RendezVous LeBreton
Just before the end of last year, we were asked to participate in an exciting (and daunting) project. The results of our work are now public and we can finally share some of the highlights with you. Led by Eugene Melnyk and the Ottawa Senators, RendezVous LeBreton and their illumiNation bid propose to reinvent the LeBreton Flats area of Ottawa. We are up against some pretty stiff competiton from Candensis, led by Devcore, Canderel, and DLS - they're also backed by Cirque Du Soleil and Power Corp (that team is STACKED!). We have friends on both sides of the game so we wish both sides the best of luck and invite all of you from Ottawa to make your voices heard and participate in the public consultations:
To see more of our work, download our Lookbook here: