Rendezvous with #fatpig
Today when I saw the #fatpig, so many emotions stirred in my heart...the world is so competitive today that to say afloat one has to drown/sink/kill their own happiness?
Generation Y too seeks peace within, unfortunately the peer pressure can devastate the very seed of the thought.
Though they have learnt to say a spade as a spade but the silent cry to be loved and accepted by the peers is deafening. And once vulnerable the same peer will reject and mock this vulnerability.
To hide their pain, they mock the weakness of others. They cry alone abut show a super hero attitude in the crowd. They are a generation which is totally upside down, inside out.
A generation pressurised by idiotic expectation. They should know it all as they are the super dude, they can manage and of course the cliche....Its so competitive out there so better buckle up!
They charge at life's problems with one size fit all solution. By explained logic, debates, verbatim duel.....and yet they don't understand that emotions have no logic...and being loved is not always on the physical plane but even on mental and spiritual plane...which is inexplainable, which is wordless.
And worst in this entire series of non acceptance is body shaming...a word which has become louder and denser as the generation roll by.
My dear Gen Y & Gen Z..... you are so brilliant from all the generation that was...yet I pity you...I pity the tag...I pity the meandering that life will flay you with. I pity your false expectation of yourself and others.
Understand this need to STOP being the just need to BE the happiness. You need to smile more often and love yourself more passionately. Chill, Relax, loosen up....this world will go on....You and I will be remembered by the GIVES practiced.... much love!