Rendering Service to Humanity:What is My Role?
January 2017 has finally come to an end. These are precisely 31days of the promising New Year that we all across the globe ushered in with Pomp and glory ecstatic for what the year ahead help for us and hopeful for better times ahead. We usher in February the 32nd day. Has the month of January had any impact on you? Have you grown better? Have you made a step towards your 2017 goal? Have you ticked 90% of your January projected milestones?
The world currently is faced with a myriad of challenges that need solutions. Whether you talk of the diminishing water tables of the Alpine Aquifer that affect Agricultural sector or the growing resistance of the harmful bacteria to the prescribed antibiotic in the health sector. The growing political unrest in the Gaza belt to the war torn nations across Africa. The decreasing marine life and the change of climatic conditions of the world. Not forgetting the hunger famine and poverty stricken families that struggle to get even a meal in the developing countries. All these conditions experiences and occurrences’ threaten the very existence of the human race on this planet earth.
Is it just enough lamenting or even highlighting the challenges we face daily? Be they internal or externally caused, they remain obstacles to the general well-being of the human race. While talk all day and night may not offer any possible solution, in itself creates awareness after the acknowledging that indeed the human race is at risk. However there is need to move from talk shows to action parks. Recognising that no challenge is insurmountable and that power lies within to face whatever obstacle that comes our way without resilience then the desired results won’t come by.
Everything about life is changing drastically especially with the meteoric rise in information technology which has now bread the digital generation. Moreover adaptability becomes a vital skill to possess for change is inevitable. Who would in their normal sense want to be rendered extinct? While I applaud the efforts being made by corporates, Institutions, organizations in solving and bringing answer to pertinent questions, I still pose a challenge to every individual. In your individual capacity what are you doing to address these challenges? The youths acros the world have petitioned governments to adopt the Sustainable Development goals SDGS replacing the Millenial Development Goals MDGs.
The world will not change for the better If we don’t desire the change. Even though we may desire, the change won’t be realised until we back our desire with commensurate action. Do not despise the power within you and the gifts you are endowed with. Remember cinch by cinch makes an inch and Rome was never built in a dare. There Identify your role in making the universe a better place for the future generation and arise make a noble impact. The world only remembers those who rendered selfless service to humanity. What is your role?