The Renaissance Man
Thanks for joining Certified Naturalist ? on a virtual “Walk and talk” with renowned Caribbean born Naturalist, Photojournalist & Filmmaker Chris Alicea.
Meandering through his native estate gardens Alicea lectures, “So each [of us] may have different wildlife and insects - from one to another. The Florida everglades has a few photography schools that involve landscape and wildlife. Clyde Butcher is like the Ansel Adams of Florida.”
His first showing is of the giant swallowtail on a Bougainvillea [Papilio Cresphontes] he photographed somewhere in South Florida — whilst working on a French film near Naples. “This beautiful butterfly is the largest butterfly in North America.”
“It is found throughout many parts of North America and also has a wide territorial range as far as Central America and into Colombia & Venezuela . . . The larval stage of caterpillars can be a serious pest to citrus farms in Florida - feeding on the foliage of most citrus!”
I notice, as a Latina climate steward, those with vested interests in agriculture become adversaries - when advocating for our butterflies. I have had to turn our emerging corporation’s focus away from the Giant Swallowtail to the Monarch - for our own physical safety.
In contrast the versatile Agraulis vanillae “Gulf Fritillary” Alicea illustrates, “Live in Florida, these are also found around the Gulf states . . . Agraulis Vanillae may be found perched on a Spanish flag [Lantana Camara] in my backyard.” They are by no means endangered - able to feed on a wide variety of wildflowers.
“This Beauty is said to be found in most parts of the world! 2011, I spotted this one Red Admiral butterfly [Vanessa Atalantain] in the Florida Everglades, while filming.” A White Peacock [Anartia jatrophae] is a Nymphalinae butterfly as proclaimed by this renaissance man, “These ones range from Argentina through Central America; Gulf of Mexico from South Texas throughout southern Florida. Migrating to central/south Texas toward the coast of South Georgia and upwards of South Carolina.”?
We calmly discussed subtropical vs tropical flora & fauna for some time while he shared photographs of a Gold Rim Swallowtail butterfly [Battle polydama]; a Monarch Butterfly [Danaus plexippus] feeding on the nectar of wildflower Northern-Lights [Pentas Lanceeolata] - photographed on the artist’s property.
The Monarch butterfly [Danaus plexippus] is immortalized on film as it feeds on red and pink pentas flowers. Alicea further explains to our research and development firm, “Florida has a lot of butterflies because it is semi tropical - many flowers bring them.”
“Since my house is in South Florida (Fort Lauderdale) we get common butterflies known to florida. However the everglades plus south Miami and keys get real rare butterflies that are never seen in the uber urban and city area.”?
After appreciating an image of a beloved Monarch, posing on a golden yellow marigold flower, I invited Alicea to visit Sonoma Mountain. He lamented, “Florida is so flat, I love sea mountains - being from the Caribbean I miss the misty morning hazy mountains…”
I shared my intent as an ethnic islander migrating BACK from the Sonoma mountain region to the Atlantic Gulf coast . . . I trailed off as we both pondered his capture of a Monarch seated on golden-yellow (Asclepias curassavica) or “Silky Gold” Mexican milkweed.
With a thick accent Alicea continues, “Monarchs may be observed in my backyard indefinitely! These don’t seem to migrate to Mexico, because Florida has always had an abundance of milkweeds for them - all year around.”
The beloved naturalist and I continued to correspond (offering insight on local resources) another twenty minutes . . . before a host of admirers, friends, family and company whisked his attention off of our call. Yet, like a sea breeze Alieca’s movements left me feeling refreshed and invigorated!?
Copyright ? 2023 Certified Naturalist. All Rights Reserved.
Speaker, Poet/Professor of English/Chicano Literature/Critical Thinking, Stockton, Ca (Veterano/Elder now retired.
1 年Beautiful pictures of the butterflies/Mariposas. They are so free. If they could, they’d stop the butterflies at the border and ask for greencards.
Fine Art Artist / Filmmaker / Scenic Artist / Set Dec. Film Industry at IATSE Local # 477 / 500
1 年Thank you for your support, Alicia Alexandra Nichols ??????