Mekko, Oklahoma is a small unincorporated community located in Pittsburg County just off US Highway 113. Located at the confluence of Coal Creek and Bull Creek before the creeks run into Lake Eufaula, Mekko’s claim to fame is the former home of President Theodore Roosevelt’s hunting cabin. Teddy Roosevelt loved to hunt and loved to host hunting parties at his cabin in Mekko. Texas rancher Burk Burnett, Comanche Chief Quanah Parker and others were regulars at the hunting cabin which was usually catered by the Pullman Railroad Car Company. Without question, the old redneck saying of; “he’s got camo in his blood and not just his closet” certainly applied to President Teddy Roosevelt who would shout “bully, bully, bully” when jumping off his horse to congratulate a fellow hunter on a good shot.

Sixty years later, newlyweds Jeff and Gina were singing another kind of “bully” in the number two song of 1965, “Wooly Bully.” While “Wooly Bully” never could overtake the Beach Boy’s number one song of “Help Me Rhonda” it did make the top 100 earworms list of all time. Earworms are catchy tunes repeated in your head.

Like many newlywed wives, Gina was trying to be the best “Susie Homemaker” she could be by cooking every meal and always keeping the laundry done. She had no idea it was a fulltime job in keeping the laundry done and the house cleaned much less shopping and preparing meals then cleaning up the dirty dishes. Things like automated dishwashers didn’t become household items until the 1970’s but Gina would see them in the Montgomery Ward’s catalogue and dream of owning one while smiling at the thought of no more hand washing and hand drying dishes.

Gina was carrying a basket of dirty laundry to the washing machine when she noticed a red drink spill on the kitchen floor. Her and Jeff had friends over the night before and someone must have spilled their Boone’s Farm wine. Absentmindedly, Gina picked up a towel out of the dirty laundry basket and wiped up the wet mess. She threw the whole pile right into the washing machine. Gina washed all the towels with detergent and hot water, but the towel came out of the dryer, stained. Think oh well at least it was an older towel, she folded it and put it away with the other towels.

Later in the week after a shower one evening Gina grabbed a towel off the linen rack to dry herself and noticed that red stain which didn’t come fully out. Gina got a quick uneasy feeling about using that red stained towel. She thought it still looked unclean because of the red stain and maybe that was the cause of her uneasy feeling. Gina thought back, the towel had gone through the same process to get clean as all the other towels, but that red wine stain looked brand new. She was dripping wet so she dismissed it with the thought of it might lighten up in time but the towel was clean.

Gina began drying herself with the stained towel and it made her think of the preacher’s Sunday sermon the day before. The sermon was about how we feel about forgiveness. When we sin, we ask for forgiveness, and God forgives us. But sometimes we still feel the stain of our sin that is left behind and we feel as though we are still dirty and not completely forgiven. God has forgiven us but maybe we haven’t forgiven ourselves and we still feel guilty. So, we have to remind ourselves that what God has made clean is clean indeed. Then we need to accept the fact that we are clean and truly forgiven.

Jesus is our cleaning process, and we are the towel. As the towel we are not responsible for the cleaning process so we can’t take the credit for getting ourselves clean. But if we deny that we are clean, then aren’t we denying Jesus forgives, and the sin remains because of our lack of faith.

Regrettably, there are many Christians who rob themselves of the joy of God's immense grace and forgiveness by hanging onto the guilt from previous sins. Instead of experiencing the jubilant delight of God forgiving our sins and that includes all sins, some of us just cannot seem to accept God "doesn't remember" our sins after confessing them. Again, God wants to forgive us and for us to be happy about his forgiveness. (Psalms 51:8) He does not wanting us to feel as worthless as gum on a boot heel.

Yes, some people are addicted to feeling bad. They feel "their sin" was so bad it cannot be true that God would forgive them. Others feel "their sin" must be punished in some form before they can give up the guilt. News flash; Unlike our mothers and fathers when we were growing up, the Heavenly Father doesn't use corporal punishment. Instead of God wearing out our rear ends with a belt, He uses compassion, mercy and grace to give us clemency for our sins.

Whether the sin is adultery, abortion, prostitution, cold blooded murder or any of thousands of other sins, God forgives them all if you trust Jesus and confess your sins to Him.

Salt down this fact about God's forgiveness leading these Bible sinners to be Bible saints:

A man confesses that he gave his wife to another man to sleep with. Yet another plotted with his mistress to kill her husband. Another murdered a man and is still on the run from the law. One is a prostitute. Another has a lifestyle marked by violence – he even killed people to impress a girlfriend and his prospective father-in-law. Yet another confesses that he cheated his brother out of his inheritance.

Abraham is the man who gave his wife to sleep with another; David is the one who plotted to have his mistress’ husband killed. Moses is the one who murdered an Egyptian and was never brought to account for it. Rahab was the prostitute. Samson is the man whose life was marked by violence and who killed to impress his girlfriend. Jacob is the person who cheated his brother out of his inheritance.

God made saints out of sinners who committed murder, lived a life of sex for money and a litany of other sinful behaviors. He not only forgave them of their sins but used them for His will. God wants you to be joyous about His washing away your sins regardless of what sins they were. (1 John 1:9) Remember, God wanted to forgive us so bad, He sent His Son Jesus to die so we could be forgiven. We do not have to worry about God grading on a curve as Jesus made it a simple pass or fail.

Jesus is the only “stain remover” we need as blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin and removes all of the stain, (1 John 1:7) so we do not need to go digging where God has buried our sins. Once we confess our sins, God doesn't remember them anymore so why would we want to?

Merciful and Forgiving Father, thank You for your abundant love, mercy, grace and forgiveness. Thank You for making it so easy to ask You for forgiveness and reassure our thick skulls we do not have to ask but one single time. In fact Lord, tattoo it on our brain we don't need to confess our sins a thousand times but we need to confess them once and thank You a thousand times for removing our sins as far as the east is from the west. Let us rejoice, dance and sing; "This Little Light of Mine, I'm gonna let it shine, shine, shine.”


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