Remove the Scales.
So often, our immediate reaction to dissatisfaction is to look outside of ourselves to see what we can change.?We might change our job, move to a new residence, paint our room, etc....We get caught up in the "if only's" and the "would have, should have, could have" cycle of discontent.?There is nothing wrong with a desire for change and for new things; it is important, however, that you be mindful of the root of your discontent.?If you are under the mistaken belief that your joy is dependent on something outside of yourself, you will find yourself repeating the same ineffective patterns in your "new surroundings." How often do we hear our friends complain of the same things in job after job, relationship after relationship and move after move??It is not about "that," it is about you.?
We must remove the scales from our eyes. They no longer serve us.?Joy is a choice.?It is indeed that simple.?Every time that you make your happiness dependent upon someTHING or someONE else, you are giving your power away.?It is not a judgment about right or wrong; it's about whether that choice is working effectively in your life.?The good news is that you can change? your perspective at any time.?Make it your mission to see what IS, instead of what IS NOT.?Focus on all that you have to be thankful for, knowing that there is plenty more to come.?You might argue about "reality" as you see it, but even so, how does that serve you? Do you enjoy feeling stuck and static? If not, then begin to discipline yourself everyday. Align yourself with your intentions.
Success or sabotage??What do you see for yourself today?
Is this going to be an incredible day??If you make it a point to see the "incredible" in the day, you are guaranteed success.