Remote working
Nicholas Alexander
Professional Software Development | Fast Digital Solutions | Business Growth Tools
The human imagination is vast, our creativity is stimulated by knowing we are doing something we value.
When we see a smile on the face of the person we want to help, we know we have done something right.
When we look out at the cloudy sky it affects the scope of our emotional state. It is a cloudy day, so we think about work. It is the weekend, our mind drifts a bit. Deadlines.
Remote working is a responsibility to both your customer or client, and yourself.
Those around us matter. Your clients matter. You matter.
Economic Growth Potential
Remote Software Development is a win-win for companies who do not have enough desks for all their developers. Many experienced developers dedicated to quality often work better remotely. I know I do.
However, the back-to-the-office trend is valid, most businesses need staff with presence, but economic growth potential is enabled. Onsite managers with a remote team of AI powered developers could enable massive economic growth.
We have held a series of demos/training for our cohort of coaches and this has been very constructive. The response was generally very good - what they like is the simplicity of operation and the use of colour to show the progress of a prospect through the stages of the sales funnel, and the way this expands for customers through deals.
And we now have a list of improvements.
Two key improvements have been done from the demos: Email addresses are now optional, with a dashboard screen to list all prospects who do not yet have an email address, to enable entering them quickly on one screen.
The other change is to display the email content as well as the notation. We are working on improving email send from within the app, including email receipts, ccs and images.
Everything we implement or improve, means more tests and fixing any bugs we find. We are now working on v0.9.19. The focus on the Prospect CRM is paying off, the model that it uses is extended in the Customer CRM.
Every action that the User takes is recorded in Notations. These show you the progress through the Sales Funnel. We have extended the clarity and usefulness of what is logged.
We have also focused on the conversion stage: when a Prospect becomes a Customer. Our email changes affected this process and it is fixed in v0.9.19.
Open for business
If you want to explore a way to get more clients for your coaching business, you can start using Cadence-CRM for FREE - share this link find and fill in this form or click the link below it, register and create a prospect.
If you want a 1:1 session use the form to send me a message.
You can also subscribe to our paid packages on the website. Professional users will be offered a free hosted website (as an early adopter, you will be able to publish your events and get signups for new prospects).
That's all for now.
Looking forward to working with you!