Remote work in Spain
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Hoy os traemos un post súper interesante sobre cómo el trabajo a distancia va a transformar la Espa?a rural. Comenta si estás de acuerdo y sobre qué contenido te gustaría saber más.
Remote work in spain is growing strongly. The number of vacancies registered in the employment portal InfoJobs reflects that the remote work modality doubled. Compared to the same period of 2021 and multiplies by ten the number of those generated in 2020.
If we analyze the data by the community, the Community of Madrid (24.3%) and Catalonia (17%) are the regions with the highest development of teleworking in Spain. They are the only regions that exceed the national average (14.4 %).
Situation of remote work in Spain before Covid-19
According to the Labour Force Survey, in 2019 in Spain, there was a moderate trend of people working from home. Those who do it usually (or more than half of the days) went from 4.3% to 4.8%. There was also a moderate increase in those who worked from home occasionally, from 3.2% to 3.5%.
The proportion of employed persons who usually worked from home was highest in Principado de Asturias (6.6%), Illes Balears (5.8%) and Galicia (5.5%). It was lowest in Región de Murcia (4.0%), Comunidad Foral de Navarra (3.9%), and La Rioja (3.6%).
Situation of remote work in Spain during Covid-19
As a result of the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, many companies and workers radically changed the conditions in which they carry out their work. Prominent among these are those who now perform their duties from home in what is commonly known as telecommuting.
However, the "boom" of remote work experienced during the confinement had some remission when entering the so-called "new normal." Even so, it is clear that it was not only a helpful stopgap to remedy the situation. But it will continue to develop, be introduced gradually, and increase in companies.
Source: Rtve
Situation now
Concerning the above, the majority of the Spanish population is in favor of online work. The 83.7% of people asked if they want to telework when there are no health restrictions answered yes. It is the third highest percentage in the EU, behind Finland and Sweden.
People whose work requires face-to-face presence express their desire to expand their options. It is the case in the health or social sector, where 56.5% ask to extend these hours, or construction (55.2%). On the other hand, in the artistic and leisure professions, 58% ask to telework less.
Teleworking will continue to develop in Spain, although not at the same speed as during the confinements. Even so, companies will continue to offer more and more remote job offers because of the benefits it brings both to them and the workers.
Moreover, in a scenario where remote work in the digital sector is already commonplace. It opens the opportunity to stimulate the distribution of technological talent in less densely populated areas. According to a report by Info jobs, one in four teleworkers will leave their current residence over the next year to live mainly in the countryside.
In this context, rural areas applaud the rise of remote work. It is a factor that allows small towns and sparsely populated cities to attract young professionals who work remotely looking for flexibility, conciliation, and affordable prices.
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