A remote session from a 24,34 billion km
Another remarkable technological achievement. The Famous Voyager 1 space probe had issues with data transfer for unknown reasons. NASA was able to diagnose a fault in a memory module on the Voyager 1 satellite. They set it up in a way that they were not using the faulty modules and thus resulted in sending an understandable instrument data diagnosis again back to Earth.
Why this achievement is so special? If we try to imagine that Voyager 1 was launched on the 5th of September 1977, and with its maximum speed of 61.500 km/h it is already ~ 24,34 billion km away. It weighs 815kg and in that distance, it is just a tiny spot in a darkness full of energy.
So the perfect time for a light to travel from Voyager to Earth on 24.4.2024 would be 22 hours and 33 minutes (unidirectional), which results in more than 45 hours of communication delay for a simple bidirectional acknowledgement. The distance itself, time delay and environmental properties make this mission impossible, so it is an amazing achievement and huge kudos to all the brilliant people working on this project. Let the force be with you.