Remote Learning Art Activities
Online remote learning become quite popular during the past two years. Not only were young children kept safe and healthy at home before Covid-19 vaccines were developed for that age range, but many benefited from online learning in ways we didn’t foresee.
Children are naturally interested in technology, and most embraced online learning. They wanted to do what they saw their parents or their older brothers and sisters do on the computer. Not only did they have to learn how to use a computer at an early age, but they were able to learn online and further their education, rather than simply sitting in front of a TV learning nothing.
There are still challenges with distance learning. A young child may not have the focus required to sit still for hours each day. A parent will need to supervise and spread out the learning sessions. And another great way to learn is through remote learning art. Children have a natural inclination to create. Art is a part of every aspect of life. A child can be encouraged to do remote learning art and be ready for when school is back in session. For other children, staying at home for a few more years may be the better option.
Here is a list of remote learning art activities that your child will love to try, no matter if they’re five years old, or twelve years old, kindergarten to grade six. There are activities here to interest everyone. If your child doesn’t care for one type of art, encourage them to try another style.
This is a great way to up-cycle old or unwanted clothing, but this type of art can be done two different ways. You can donate any type of clothing from the entire family. Simply find a famous painting, then display it on the computer screen. Don’t make it too intricate or complicated, as this masterpiece will be recreated using clothing. What your child does is select specific clothing items that match the colors and textures of the painting, and use them to re-create the painting on the table. If you want to go one step beyond, they can use old clothing items and cut them up and glue or sew them down to an art board.
This type of art has been taught in schools’ art classes for decades. Your child begins with a piece of white cardboard. They use pencil crayons to draw random splotches onto the paper. The entire paper is filled up with color. When that is done, a black crayon is used to color over the entire sheet. They can leave a white strip around the edges so it appears to be a frame. Once this is done, your child uses a small screwdriver and draws shapes into the paper. Some ideas include flowers, pets, stars, or a landscape. The sharp end of the tool scrapes off the black crayon, creating a bright multi-colored effect on the page.
If you want to teach your child all about the color wheel – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and back to red, then this is a great project! No special tools are required. Simply display an actual colour wheel on the computer screen. Your child will then run around the house and find similarly-colored objects. Once they have found all the items they need, they will arrange them in the order of the colors on the color wheel. Be sure to snap a photo so they can refer back to it again and again.
This is a fun way to have your children flip through magazines to find what they need. They start by cutting out various shapes, people, pets, and objects from a magazine. They can begin with a simple background that is glued onto a sheet of paper. Then each of these shapes is trimmed and glued onto the paper. The whole point is to have fun, and glue objects onto the paper that are unexpected. It’ll be fun seeing what exactly your child creates!
Your child starts with a page full of triangles, circles, or squares that you’ll need to print out first. You can start with one sheet, or print all three and allow them to choose what they want to work on first. Place a variety of pens, markers, and crayons in front of them. The goal is to color in these shapes, as well as to create little drawings with them. The art page is done when all of the shapes have been filled in.
Instead of tossing boxes into the recycling bin, save the small ones so your young child can build their own building. Provide glue and scissors, and even an inspirational building, such as the Sistine Chapel, or the pyramids. The goal is to recreate this building in miniature with the cardboard boxes. Once the building is completed, provide some supervision and have them paint the entire structure with white paint. Once that’s done, they can paint on windows, doors, and other embellishments.
For younger children, you can choose the wire that’s covered with plastic. Older children can use copper or craft wire. Provide the necessary tools so they can easily trim and bend the wires. Choose some famous sculptures online so they can have a guide on how to recreate them. When the art is done, assist them in placing the figures over a cardboard base, then use a stapler to secure them. One or more wire people can stand on the base too.
Set aside some small objects that may have been destined for recycling, such as bottle caps, wooden or plastic cutlery, straws, broken toys, miscellaneous Lego blocks, fabric scraps, pebbles, and more. Have your child create their own collage picture, but instead of with magazine clippings, it will be with these found scrap objects and glue. They can have a photo for inspiration, or simply build something at random.
This is another found object art game. By now they should be able to write out their first name in full on a piece of paper. The next step is to find objects around the home or office that they can use to draw their name upon the table. Some suggested items could be: pens, pencils, erasers, toothbrush, dice, pet toys, leaves, and more. They could even try drawing out their names with these found objects in a larger format on the floor.
If your child needs more guidance on what to make, rather than it being their own choice, supply a photograph of a robot on screen. Other tools they’ll need include a cardboard or craft paper base in any color, paper glue, and scissors. Your child will have fun cutting out similar shapes to build their own robot, while using the robot photo as a guild. They may even want to use metallic markers to add more detail to their creation.
Create Paper Snowflakes
Your child begins with a square piece of paper. It’s folded into several triangles, and then the edges are folded up. A tree-like shape is drawn on the outside as a guide. This is trimmed with scissors. The shape is unfolded to reveal a snowflake. There are many patterns to be found online. Your child can also try folding the paper and cutting out random shapes to see what they can create.
Draw Shadow Art
Having kids draw random items on paper can be challenging. Provide objects that they can draw, but instead, have them trace around that object’s shadows. You’ll need to set up a lamp in a darkened room. An object will have to be placed in the right spot to cast shadows on the floor. You may have to move these items around a bit to find the perfect spot. You should include your child in this process, as they can learn how shadows and light works too. Once you’ve found the perfect spot, set up the paper on the floor. Your child will draw around the shadows that the object casts on the sheet of paper. They can add in the additional details too.
Getting Started with Remote Learning Art
It’s important to find out what the art materials supply list is before your child begins an online learning class. The better they’re prepared, the more fun they’ll have, and with a better opportunity to learn. Please visit our remote learning art website called: Classover to learn how to sign your child up for courses they can learn at their own pace. Soon they’ll be kept happy and occupied, even when they can’t attend a class in person, they’re feeling unwell, or they’re eager to learn more. These remote art learning activities will be fun for them to learn and have fun!