Remote Healing is not spooky, Quantum Mechanics has the answers! (Part 1 of 2); Photo by JURIK PETER/SHUTTERSTOCK

Remote Healing is not spooky, Quantum Mechanics has the answers! (Part 1 of 2)

In his book, "A Brief History of Time", Stephen Hawking, while concluding the chapter, "The Expanding Universe", says:

"… At the start of the the 1970s, then, we were forced to turn our search of the extraordinarily vast to our theory of the extraordinarily tiny. […] Quantum Mechanics "

This logical correlation between the understanding of the smallest of the smallest so as to get an iota of understanding of the biggest of the biggest has resonated with me for a long time. In it, I have felt strong parallels between modern science and the timeless teachings of the Indian scriptures, especially the philosophy of #Vedanta. I shall cover these parallels with #Spirituality in other articles sometime later.

The focus here is on sharing my views about how an understanding of a few basic concepts in Quantum Mechanics can place "spooky" concepts like remote/distance healing in a scientifically tenable context, even for non-quantum-physicists like me.

Let's introduce two concepts to this effect:

(1) (Quantum) Entanglement

(2) Consciousness

(Quantum) Entanglement

The concept of #QuantumEntanglement has mystified scientists for quite a few decades. The experimental findings on Entanglement (John Stewart Bell (1964), John Clauser & Stuart Freedman (1972) and Alain Aspect) have challenged Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity, in that they necessitate that particles no longer be bound by the widely accepted conditions of Locality (no signal can travel faster than the speed of light) and Realism (the notion that particles or objects always exist, not just at the time of our observing them).

As Einstein is supposed to have said to his colleague, Abraham Pais:

"Does the moon, indeed, exist only when I observe it?"

Entanglement, in general, thus refers to the degree of correlation (or interdependency) between two particles. The more closely entangled two particles are, the greater the certainty with which you can say something about the state of a given particle by observing the other particle.

At the quantum level, Entanglement occurs when subatomic particles (like electrons) collide, or combine to form larger particles like atoms, molecules. Given this fundamental level at which Entanglement occurs, it is rare to find quantum systems that are "unentangled", i.e. completely independent of each other.

For the sake of argument, let us accept here that the origin of this #universe was indeed as proposed by the #BigBangTheory. The theory postulates that just a miniscule fraction of time post the Big Bang, all the ensuing quantum (i.e. #subatomic) particles started colliding with each other. This then suggests, that all these particles were entangled with each other then. Consequently, all the quantum systems they gave rise to, i.e. all the atoms, molecules and matter - which were subsequently created, and in some form exist even today - are effectively entangled with each other, albeit to varying degrees.

Anything that has existence is entangled to some degree with everything else that exists!

In that case, we should be able to infer something about any particle/object in this universe due to its entanglement with everything else in existence. The greater the degree of entanglement, the greater the quality and certainty of our inference. Through observation of any object, Entanglement enables us, on the one hand, to infer something about the state of the other objects it is entangled with. More interestingly, it also enables us to affect and influence the state of these other objects - howsoever subtle and/or howsoever far apart they be!

#Consciousness / #QuantumConsciousness / #QuantumMind ...

... as referred to in Quantum Mechanics, is a very subtle concept. It is a faculty that is said to have the ability to collapse a #wavefunction into a particle existence. In simple words, Consciousness is that which enables an observer to condense the multiple possibilities (expressed by a particle's wave function in the quantum world) into a single manifestation (particle form) in this physical world.

As an illustrative example at the quantum level, take the Double Slit experiment. Consciousness is the screen, on which we capture a photon at one single position. All the other possibilities that the photon had (i.e. the various other possible locations it could have been at), when it was represented by a wave function, are lost when the photon is captured on the screen and it takes on a particle character.

Likewise, in the hypothetical thought experiment with Schr?dinger's Cat, the state of the cat's existence is like the wave function. The cat could have been dead or alive, so long as the box was closed. When the physicist opens the box to observe the state of the cat, he casts the screen of his Consciousness in this case. As soon as he observes the cat, he will find it either alive or dead - but not a blurred superposition of both possibilities.

In real life, we could think of Consciousness as our mind's screen, our mindset, the way we view the world happenings, our perspective. It is with this lens or capturing screen of our own Consciousness, that we create "our own version of reality", which becomes the physical manifestation of the world we experience, thus nullifying all other possible worlds.

Consciousness is like our mind's screen, upon which we create our own version of reality of this existence.

As we keep observing phenomena, willingly or unwillingly, knowingly or unknowingly, we use Consciousness to keep taking successive snapshots. These form a series, which appears to us as the ongoing reality of existence, the uninterrupted flow of life, just as the series of static shots in a film reel give us the illusion of a motion picture.

In our minds, this reality doesn't exist as a mere collection of scenes. These impressions arouse emotions and feelings in us, and propels us to act - be it through the freeze/flight/fight response of the #limbic brain, or through the cognitive ingenuity of the #neocortex. Over time, we develop our beliefs, faiths, value systems, judgements, prejudices, biases, etc. ... and this film becomes all the more realistic and entertaining!


  • Through the primordial Entanglement, all elements in this universe are interconnected, to some extent, with all other elements that exist. Because of the inherent (inter-)dependency among entangled systems, we can observe a given object and get information about, as well as influence the state of, any other object in existence.
  • Through Consciousness, we all keep continuously creating our own, unique versions of the state of various elements / objects / quantum systems. We consider this to be the reality of our existence, of life in general.

Points to ponder:

How can this knowledge of Entanglement and Consciousness help us understand our holistic, personal energy and health system better?

(How) Can we apply this knowledge to tap into more fundamental healing systems that address the underlying (mal-)functioning purely energetically, rather than biochemically or with pharmaceuticals?

My thoughts and experiences on this in the next article, coming up soon!

DISCLAIMER: All views here are my own. They are based on my personal understanding of the concepts mentioned here. There is no claim to scientific accuracy. Pointers to inconsistencies and suggestions for a constructive dialog are gratefully welcome!

CREDITS (non-exhaustive list):


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