Remote Diagnosis & Advice
In recent years my achilles heel has been my achilles heel!
Injured it some years ago playing Ultimate Frisbeee and it never seemed to heal properly. Working from home has given my the opportunity to revisit and fix some of these niggly things with my body.
Thanks to alround good guy and younger brother Robert Salerno for his excellent diagnostics and advice yesterday via #Zoom!
Quite a treat to have #TheVeryBestPhysio in town only a click away, no need to travel.
It was just like being on the sofa and clicking the remote on the TV - could really get used to not having to sit in waiting rooms and getting examined from the comfort of my own lounge room.
I'm always amazed at the number of people I bump into that tell me they've used Rob for their Physio needs and absolutely love him.
Big kudos goes out to Rob and all other health workers that are doing their thing during these crazy times.