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CA Meghna Jain
Senior Wealth Manager at Nuvama(Formerly known as Edelweiss) ll Equity research analyst lI Nism Vlll ,VA, XA,XXI-A certified ll Masters in finance ll IG id-Meghnazworld
Life is all about stepping outside of all the boundaries. My father was warned by my dadaji not to trade in the stock market, but he disagreed his advice and did so in the years 1997 and 2008 & lost alot in markets. After that, he just stopped trading. Because I am his daughter, he warned me as well for trading, but in the end, the legacy endures. I also engaged in trading, suffered losses, pondered about what went wrong, realised it was due to my lack of knowledge, and then I began my learning journey.
Here's the situation: When my father lost money, he gave up rather than learning, and I was the complete opposite. People told him that kids don't listen to you and due to society's influence he just said "No" for any involvement in Stock Market. He requested me to stop learning as well, and I agreed since I knew I could never win an argument. But, I didn't stop and kept going secretly which is unethical as per all but ethical as per my heart.
One day, the daily trader and experienced buddy of my father arrived home. He was talking to my father about market ratios and said, "If you would have held this, you have earned." Papa stated I know nothing about it, but I am good at making money in business. But I was active in that discusion. Papa's friend was quite inquisitive about what I knew, and this was the first time someone told My father that your daughter has a thirst for learning about Markets. Don't ever stop her.
After giving it some thought, Papa approached me and said, "Clear CA," I'll never stop you from pursuing your interest after your CA. If you aren't passionate about CA, this task may seem simple but is difficult. But, I was very committed to achieving my life goal, so I started the CA final Journey of Examinations. I failed, which was a huge blow to me, but it only made me more determined. Then again life threw stones and things went wrong again and everyone exclaimed, "Tumse na ho payega." Just this words made me succeed on my next try and I cleared both groups in one go and demonstrated to others that "Mai nahi to kaun bey".
As simple as that Passion is success for me.
Key takeaways from this Blog gonna be:
1)Never stop to believe in your dreams.
2)What can stop is only you.
3)Apply oil for all Society's negative vibes rust on you.
Signing off-CA Meghna Jain(Wealth tech advisor)