Remote Attestation How-to with a Hands-on Experiment in Azure
Pradipta Banerjee
Helping secure containerised workloads. Reach out for any help with container security, digitisation, or technology adoption for improving livelihoods.
"I will take you through an example attestation workflow from Azure in this blog. You can try this out in the Azure cloud, which will help you be comfortable with this critical aspect of confidential computing.
Before we delve into the attestation workflow, a quick recap of the different entities that are involved in the attestation workflow.
The following diagram depicts an example Azure attestation workflow along with the?generic model?(or pattern) on which it’s built.
With the above workflow in our mind, let’s go through a working example as described in the following diagram.
Here is a brief description of the workflow steps:
Steps to execute the workflow in Azure
You’ll need an Azure cloud account to execute the following steps.
Create an Azure VM with SGX support
Follow the instructions mentioned in the following link to create an Ubuntu 20.04 VM with SGX support:
Setup and verify OpenEnclave (OE)
Follow the guide here to setup OE and related dependencies for Ubuntu 20.04:
Follow these instructions to install the latest OE SDK (2.17.1 as of this writing)
chmod +x sgx_linux_x64_sdk_2.17.101.1.bin
sudo ./sgx_linux_x64_sdk_2.17.101.1.bin
Verify the setup by running OE "helloworld" sample by following the instructions mentioned in the link below:
You should see an output like the one shown below:
host/helloworldhost ./enclave/helloworldenc.signed
Hello world from the enclave
Enclave called into host to print: Hello World!
Setup Azure attestation demo
You can run the demo by following the steps mentioned in the above link.
Additionally, you can also create an “Azure Attestation Provider” by following the instructions mentioned here?and updating the demo code to use the newly created attestation provider.
When using your own attestation provider, remember to change the following lines in the code and replace them with your Attestation URI.
Here is a sample run from my setup:
ubuntu@bpradipt-cc-vm:~/ego/samples/azure_attestation$ ./ra_client/client -s `ego signerid public.pem`
EGo v1.0.0 (f1255317ec583ed72947f65d83881a0e46ad1ed8)
?? Loaded server attestation token from https://localhost:8080/token.
? Azure Attestation Token verified.
? SignerID of the report equals the SignerID you passed to the client.
? ProductID verified.
? SecurityVersion verified.
?? Server certificate extracted from token.
?? Sent secret over attested TLS channel.
ubuntu@bpradipt-cc-vm:~/ego/samples/azure_attestation$ ego sign server
EGo v1.0.0 (f1255317ec583ed72947f65d83881a0e46ad1ed8)
ubuntu@bpradipt-cc-vm:~/ego/samples/azure_attestation$ ego run server
EGo v1.0.0 (f1255317ec583ed72947f65d83881a0e46ad1ed8)
[erthost] loading enclave …
[erthost] entering enclave …
[ego] starting application …
?? Generated Certificate.
?? Created an Microsoft Azure Attestation Token.
?? Token now available under
?? Listening on for secrets…
?? sent secret [thisIsTheSecret]
Trying out the available samples from OpenEnclave or ego is a great way to start experimenting with confidential computing.
Feel free to also refer to a curated list of confidential computing resources that I maintain in the following?project.