Reminder: Today is the filing deadline for people with extensions-IRS TIPS
fyi as a courtesy of EA TAX SERVICES/EA TAXES
Anyone who requested an extension of time to file their 2017 tax return must file today. Taxpayers filing today who also owe should pay as much as possible to reduce interest and penalties.
Here are links to three resources on that will help these last-minute filers:
- Filing for Individuals – includes a link to IRS Free File, which is available through today. IRS e-file is easy, safe and the most accurate way to file taxes.
- Paying Your Taxes – this page includes links to online options for people who owe. These options include Direct Pay with a bank account and a link for those who want to pay by debit or credit card.
- View Your Account Information – this tool allows individual taxpayers to see the amount of taxes they owe for the current year and any other year for which they have a balance.
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