“Reminder: Just In Case “
Jean Lordeus
PhD Candidate | Mentor| Servant Leader |(TAM )Technical Account Manager at Philips
If you have forgotten, let me remind you that the struggles in your life do not define you. The mistakes and the misunderstandings on the job are what they are, but they differ from your ability and capability.?
I have moments of reflection often and give counsel myself at times when imposter syndrome steps in. I hope you do as well. We usually need to remember our accomplishments and how far we have come.?
Also, we tend to dismiss the villages(People, friends, spouses, mentors)who have supported our humble beginnings. Let's not forget the hands that have guided us before our arrival to the pinnacle. None of us have gotten this far on our lonesome, but we have had support along the way.?
There will always be someone much more intelligent than you, which is a good thing—an opportunity to learn from them. Take courage in knowing that some of us are crossing a Sahara, heading into a storm, or have gone through all of them simultaneously.?
Measure yourself against someone doing 10x times better than you and can teach you as much. Envy is the killer of dreams and aspirations.
We can benefit from “letting go” of words that once hurled at us and profoundly scarred us. Because of your relentless spirit, rest assured that incredible things are coming.
While you are going through these crucibles this season, remember all the many things you have accomplished. Along the way, some have failed and quit, BUT YOU have mustered the strength to keep plowing forward.??