Reminder: Don't Give Up

Reminder: Don't Give Up

Have you ever tried to do something that failed? Personally, I have done a lot of things that failed. It must be quite rare to see someone who have success on their first try. But regardless whether it is a success or failure, never give up on what you want. Never forget why you started in the first place and never stop learning new ways to propel yourself forward. To be honest, we've all been there. You start a project, you're psyched about it, and then the whole thing comes crashing down around you. All the motivation you had at the beginning fades away and suddenly, instead of feeling like a winner, you feel like an idiot.

So, what happens? Why do we lose our motivation? Or, more importantly: how do we keep it?

The first step is to stop being so hard on yourself. Sometimes you just need to take a step back and breathe. It's okay if it doesn't work out—you know what they say: learning from our mistakes is what makes us human! Also (and this is very important), don't let people discourage you or make fun of you for having a dream and working toward it. No one knows where their dreams will lead them—so who are they to say that yours isn't going to end in success?

Remember that every great idea has a chance of failure. Even if you're not able to make your dream come true this time around, you can always try again later or even pivot to something new and just as exciting.

Second, realize that failure is not who you are—it's only a product of what you tried to do. Your dreams are still valid! You didn't turn into a different person because your project failed—you're the same determined, talented person you were before your project went awry. And lastly, as cliche as it sounds but,

You deserve to be happy, and you deserve to be successful. So even if you fail, don't give up!


