Remind Yourself to Live in Awe
Think of people, countries where people are less fortunate than you. You can help to make this world a better place.
In today’s world, we wake up and get glued to the laptop, forgetting to ask ourselves at least three things we are grateful for and why we do everything we do.
Good to get reminded of each other today…
→?Accumulate wisdom?— anything you do in life should be aimed at this topic; learn the lessons, listen to older people, and gather bright thoughts everywhere you go. Businesses are built in decades, not days. And wisdom follows the same principle.
→?Accumulate wealth?— this one might be misleading; as much as you want to have the shiny stuff (it’s all good, and you should feel safe and have a bit more than that), focus on things that truly matter. Focus on building your interior?empires?→ mindset, health, soul, and heart set.
→?Accumulate adventure?— give to others, share more, create more,?add?more value. The journey is measured in the steps taken. You have to try and jump on the journey of discovery and adventure. It’s your journey. People can advise you, but it’s up to you to answer the?call.
You’ll need a strategy to get where you are going. It will be tough…
Circle of Excellence
Your excellence circle can help you go when times are tough to fall back on your values and have a roadmap. You can gain some wisdom from coach?Simoneta Roma.
→ Get lost in whom you want to be and who you want to become. Gather the insights and intelligence to understand what you like and don’t like. Read books, follow people on social media and get some other perspectives. Understanding human?behavior?is, in my opinion, a key to avoiding big potholes in life.
→ Then, create your mission, vision, and life roadmap. It does not have to be perfect; start with something…
→ Return to your childhood memories. Remember whom you want to become when you grow up. Reflect on pain in your life (not the most pleasant thing to do, but worth it). There is much stress because we did not solve our childhood traumas.
→ Many people take the easy way out. Jeff Spencer calls this stage critical, before the “breakout” and before we have our epiphanies and tangible results. The older you get, you realize time is short, and you need to compete with ourself. So, stick there and keep moving.
→ You need to start working on yourself, what matters, and what will get you there.
Have the courage to be authentic and the audacity to be yourself and start making a difference.
There is a gap between where you are and what you need to go; learn the skills to get there. — Tom Bilyeu
Focus on gaining momentum to get closer to your goals. Make this world a better place.
Photo by?Joe Caione?on?Unsplash
Want to make leaps, not just steps?
→ Build the right network of people and people who’ll support your vision. Build those friendships and surround yourself with fantastic business partners and life partners.
Step on the self-discovery journey: Wherever you are in your journey, daily progress of 1% counts.
Embrace integrity: The stoics talk about it, be a decent human being. I get it for those who don’t believe in personal development. It can be boring at times.
Radiate health, defeat diseases, and lead a healthy life: Decide to lead a remarkable life full of engagement, going all out and making others better along the way. Until the next time, stay awesome…:-)
In the meantime, stay?positive!