As the sun sets
on my evening walk,
And my thoughts drift back
to a few months ago
Our Dragonfly Aoife
a treasure in all our eyes
a beautiful Angel
full of colour and love
left this earthly world
only but a mere
few months ago,
but her last breath
does not say
or mean "goodbye,"
for Aoife's
love for us all
is truly timeless,
beyond the
touch of boney death.
Aoife did not
leave herself
to the undertaker,
for decoration
in the house of the dead,
or to lay in the ground
of a Clara graveyard,
but to all of Your
memories of her,
with Love.
Aoife leaves
her thoughts,
her laughter,
her love,
her care,
her charity,
her awesomeness,
her compassion,
her friendship,
her life's journey,
her experiences,
her dreams
to you
whom she has treasured
beyond gold
and precious gems.
Aoife gives us
what no
thief can steal,
the memories
of our times together:
the tender,
love-filled moments,
the successes
we have shared,
also the hard times
that brought us
closer together
and the roads
we have walked
side by side.
Aoife also leaves us all
with a solemn promise
that after arriving home
in the bosom of God,
Aoife will still be
and is present,
and wherever
you call on her
or pray to her.
Aoife's energy
will be drawn to you
by the magnet
of your love for her.
Whenever you are in need,
call her
and pray to her;
She will come to you,
with her arms
full of wisdom
and light
to open up
your blocked paths,
to untangle
your knots
and to be your
avenue to God.
And all Aoife
has taken with her
as she left us,
is your love
and the millions of memories
of all that we have shared
so she truly enter's her new life
as a multi millionaire
and more.
Fear not nor grieve
dear family and friends
at Aoife's departure,
you whom Aoife
has loved so much,
for her beautiful roots and yours
are forever intertwined
as a sun setting into the sea
of summer skies.
Aoife, you had only
in some ways
just arrived on this earth,
taken only the first of steps
on this journey of life,
told only the first words
of your incredible story.
Your beautiful life
was still only a mountain brook.
You were like snow
that had just fallen from heaven,
and clean
and white.
You were a
tender lily
whose aroma
was still locked up
in its petals.
But now the candle
of your earthly life
has gone out,
leaving our world
so dark,
that it seems as if
the sun itself
was eclipsed
by your passing.
But we believe
that you will
shine on us
always from above,
from the kingdom of Light,
A Kingdom of timelessness
and playfulness,
which seems to have been made
especially for little
young people
like you Aoife.
Look after us all
now always
especially your parents,
your grandparents and family
and all the people
affected by the Coronavirus
in hospital and nursing homes
and look after all our great front line staff,
doctors, nurses, medical staff,
kitchen staff, cleaners, gardai, police,
defence forces, emergency staff,
front line responders, ambulance drivers,
retail staff, shop staff,
neighbours, volunteers,
media people and politicians
and for people everywhere
that are keeping us safe
from the Coronavirus
in these worrying times.
each evening
In stillness,
In solitude,
In emptiness,
In silence,
In prayer,
In reverence
We wait for you.
Your Angel breath
Touches us.
Time stands still
As we sit
Resting in your presence
At your place of resting
At your garden.
Our hearts speak
Of fear,
Of loss,
Of despair,
Of dread,
Of horror.
Our soul
All has gone wrong.
All has been lost,
It's a catastrophe
A complete disaster.
Yet your Angel presence
Comforts us,
Warms us,
Hugs us,
Enkindles us,
Enfolds us,
Prays in us,
Prays for us,
Strengthens us.
You take
Our pain,
Our agony,
Our heartache,
Our pain,
Our suffering,
Our sorrow,
Our whys,
Our tears.
And hold them gently for awhile.
As we return
Each evening,
Each day,
Each hour.
To your resting place,
To your garden,
To your light.
Our eyes cries for you,
Our hearts leap,
Our minds engage,
Our souls breathes,
For we are not alone
And we find out,
Although we know it's a fight
To keep it together,
That our Hope is never lost.
We won't let go
We are going to be OK,
One step in front of the other,
We will get through this
And learn to cope,
Learn to survive.
For Your Angelic presence
With Our Lord,
Sits with us.
How do we put into words
A grief so deep.
That it breaks our hearts
And crushes our souls?
How do our souls
So lonely,
So desolate,
So empty say
We miss you?
You are our love,
You have drifted away
To somewhere beyond
The moment of now.
We feel we are losing you.
Some days you are you,
You are with us
Some days
A little more of you
We feel is gone.
We have lost you.
Until we feel your presence again,
At your place of rest
At your garden.
We want
To tell you
To stay,
Don’t go,
To comeback,
We don’t understand.
But we do know,
In our hearts you will always stay.
We love you,
We always did,
We always will,
Why did you have to go,
We miss you.
How do we put into words
A grief so deep
Our eyes cries for you
It breaks our hearts
And crushes our souls?
Every evening,
Every day,
Every hour.
We relive the heartbreak again,
We relive wanting to embrace you again,
We relive wanting to see you again,
We relive wanting to hug you again,
We relive wanting to love you again.
As this world now fills with adversity
You Aoife our Angel dragonfly
Symbolises all that is
And Loyal.
Travel to all corners of the earth,
With your blankets of flowers
Springing up,
Wherever your
Angelic presence treads.
Helps those
Who are sick
In body and mind,
And protect
And care
For our Frontline workers
With a touch of your
Loving and
Caring wings.
Obtain a special blessing
From Our Saviour
To influence our hearts
To do good,
To give us the desire
To help and care for others,
Especially those in most need,
In our world
That are dealing with the Virus
And so much unrest.
And fill us with joy
At the beauty of our planet.
Fly high our angel dragonfly
We love you and miss you so much.
Bring some sort of peace
to every parent
and grandparent
who has lost a child.
is your essence.
is your name.
Bring peace now
to Aoife's
family and friends
who have lost our precious
and classmate,
recently in death.
We come
to You,
because we know
that you too,
experienced sorrow,
and are acquainted
with grief
and death.
You too
have endured
the loss of a Child.
You empathize.
We can’t help
but ask,
our insistence,
our confusion,
even our anger.
We believe
that you are just,
and we ache
to understand
how this tragic death
of our angel Aoife
is an expression
of that justice,
how it expresses
Your Love.
We also know
in our minds at least
that you seldom
answer the “why?” question.
We press you,
but on these matters
You are mostly silent.
What we ask
is “how?”
How can we
move forward?
How can this
bring us together
and not tear us apart?
How can we now live
under the shadow
of this untimely death
of our beautiful Angel Aoife?
Answer this prayer
with your comfort
and guidance.
Time passes,
minute by minute,
day by day
week by week
and now
month by month.
But not the love
we have for you
Nor the ache
inside of us
Because you are
not here with us.
You were with us
for as long as God
You were real.
You were so loved,
You are still so loved,
You existed.
And you
You were with us
only a short time,
in the scheme of things
But it was time enough
to grow to love
and adore
For you to make a difference
for good in our lives.
You could not stay
But thoughts of you
will forever remain
as does the love
we feel
for you each day
tempered by the pain.
I wish you
hadn’t left us;
I wish you
could have stayed.
We would have
as you grew
and learned
and played.
Since I can wish
or pray
for anything,
I wish
and pray
that you were here now.
I wish that we could
hold you close
and whisper goodness
in your ear.
as a family again,
there would be much to do.
Your dad,
your mom
your grandparents
your family
and all of us
and especially
your classmates
your close friends
like Cara and your Uncle Ger,
will always miss you.
This is no joy
and love
In this our world
like what children bring;
so wonderful,
so awesome,
so precious.
Such sorrow
we now feel
in losing you,
it leaves us nearly breathless
almost like
a Coronavirus
type of breathless.
If sorrow serves a purpose,
I wonder what it is.
It seems like empty,
useless pain.
I hope it's more
than this.
You’ve changed our lives
in unknown ways;
more changes
will surely come.
But we’ll never change
the splendor of your memory
in our lives.
I look forward to the times
in life when we are all alone.
You’ll be there with us
in our thoughts,
our precious little one.
Guiding us
and looking after us,
like in this
present time
of lockdown
we wish
we could hold
you close
and hug you
and indeed even hold
and hug one another;
instead we have to be apart.
But we will honor you,
cherish you
and always hold you close in our hearts,
like we do for one another
in these worrying
Coronavirus times.
You are our angel Aoife now,
Watching over
each one of us with care.
We cannot help to think,
What would happen if you were still here?
Love lives on
in our whispered prayers for you,
and to you
and how much you meant to us.
Of a happy life for you in heaven
as our new guardian angel.
You are
our angel Aoife now,
And we will always
pray to you
and love you
for you are
a voice of an Angel
to us now.
We are afraid at times
to live without you,
to face our own fears.
You have to be
our angel Aoife now,
guiding us always
Through all of our years
to come.
There will never be another,
Who has changed
our lives
like you.
Your are our angel Aoife now,
guiding us
through everything we now will do.
As the days,
the weeks,
the months
go by,
And we sit alone
and wonder why.
Why did you leave us,
And where did you go?
Though you are watching over us,
We still feel so alone.
Our hearts
will always ache,
and our eyes
will always cry.
Living without you
has left a huge hole
in our lives.
You are our angel Aoife,
Through now,
the entire
future journey
of our lives
through thick and thin.
May God bless you
and keep you,
Until we meet again.
We will always love you
our angel Aoife.
There is no way
to remove the pain.
The grief is oh so real.
The only sanity
is to know,
to believe
in a life beyond with you,
when all the
are righted
and the sufferings
are made good.
We trust you God
and your promise
that while Aoife's
child’s life on earth is done,
her life as yours
and our angel Aoife
beyond has just begun.
With that release
we lose Aoife
and let her go into your arms,
then by faith
we receive in return
the boundless comfort
of our angel Aoife
and your holy presence.
That is all,
that in time
and in acceptance
is enough.
In Jesus.
Grief will still
consumes us
the loss will always
be so deep
because you are
so unbelievably missed Aoife,
your memory is so cherished.
For you are
our angel Aoife now
forever walking beside us.
Guiding us
and always
holding us close
We love you
and always will!
Amen xx
Senior Partner @ Walsh Legal Researchers | DTM, Commissioner for Oaths
4 年We must always remember in November Family, relations friends this time of year And let them know with heart glowing embers That our love grows stronger for them, my dear