

THE PROCESS OF REMEMBRANCE IS TODAY BEING HASTENED by those who hear, recognise and subsequently follow their soul-call, and it is these awakening individuals who are aiding in the establishment and expansion of the New World Consciousness on Earth. Upon the dawning of true understanding and subsequent obedience to the group-soul, Servers shall willingly accept the responsibility and honour of helping others spiritually. This they must do before full remembrance can be awarded them, for true spiritual Power (which is ever a distinguishing mark of divine remembrance) may only be entrusted to those who are pure in heart, and who therefore demonstrate active goodwill. By reconsecrating themselves to the furtherance of the Divine Plan, the lives of Servers will be transformed as the light and wisdom of the group-soul facilitates their awakening and consequent emergence into the very active service for which they have incarnated. In remembrance, a working knowledge of and conscious alignment with divine laws will release Servers from all identification with the imitation ego and the physical dimension of experience alone, and this will free them to become a competent light-bearer amidst the dense shadows of the world.

In the earlier stages of the recalling process, the veil of forgetfulness is usually only partially lifted and to the extent that Servers recollect but vaguely the purpose for which they have taken incarnation. However, as previously indicated, Servers with a greater recollection of their origins and an exceptional restoration of their spiritual intelligence and higher faculties may be found in the world today. Such awakened Servers are always ardently disposed to help rouse others from their long sleep, for such is a part of their remembered duty. Having acquired a sufficient realisation of what lies ahead and, therefore, what will be required of them, these more aware individuals seek earnestly to impress upon others the vital reality that, without exception, only a genuinely serviceful disposition qualifies a Server to tread the True Path that leads to complete remembrance.

By maintaining a humble, seeking attitude, slumbering Servers may attract and receive help from the more awakened members of their own group-soul who are presently in incarnation, or from other Servers who are on a parallel mission, all of whom will aid them in the recalling process. Such assistance is not only available upon the physical plane, however, but can be invoked from the unseen worlds also, and this latter type of help may be received as impressions in the form of ideas and guidance from within or as direct telepathic communication from benevolent discarnate entities who reside principally upon the higher planes. These examples typify just some of the advantages that are available today, not only for Servers, but for every sincerely-invocative individual, and they are most likely to be realised when one is absorbed in some kind of serviceful activity. Bearing this in mind, Servers may become inspired to embark upon the path of conscious remembrance. They will subsequently find that their seeking and service inevitably leads them to greater understanding and illumination, and that understanding will, in its turn, naturally find its expression in renewed and dedicated service upon the ever-widening road of spiritual discovery.

Remembrance unfolds in accordance with each Server’s unique karmic record and is, therefore, inseparably related to the manner in which they have lived and are today living. In their forgetfulness during this and other past physical-plane incarnations, many Servers have made certain choices motivated by fear and selfishness; they have themselves, therefore, become entangled in the global maelstrom from which they intentionally came to help liberate mankind long ago. This is because they have been unable to pierce their own veil of forgetfulness sufficiently, and have therefore blindly followed humanity in its established egotistic tendencies of self-interest, imposed by societies that have themselves remained lost for millennia in the throes of blind habit, custom and submission to very dubious but powerful authorities. Like all thinking beings, the past actions of Servers inevitably leave their mark upon the soul, and it is necessary that one’s karmic scales be balanced before further spiritual progress can be made, for negative karma obstructs the light of the Spirit from irradiating the lower vehicles of consciousness, thus preventing remembrance. However, today Servers have the opportunity to swiftly release all old and deleterious karmic patterns, and this is due, in part, to the catalytic Aquarian energies that are presently engulfing planet Earth. In order to become adequately competent to assist humanity, it is essential that Servers recognise and integrate the lessons inherent within the circumstances created by their own past imprudent actions. As old tendencies rise to the surface in order to be cleared, presenting both challenge and opportunity, Servers must firmly establish anew their pledge to the group-soul that they will resist all temptation to repeat their past mistakes, and so allow no impediment to deter their resolution to help the world. This is the only way for karmically-burdened Servers to free themselves and to consequently move forward from where they are.

One popular but erroneous attitude that will almost certainly prevent remembrance, lead to much confusion and cause further struggle, is the contaminating and very narrow belief of some Servers today that nothing special need be done, and that all grace will be bestowed in good time without the need for them to make any effort whatsoever. This idea is absolutely untrue. Progress unfolds upon Earth only in accord with the??law of free will, and Servers are not exempt from this law during their Earthly incarnation. If Servers remain inert, making no decisions, eliciting no action of their own volition and, therefore, allowing their will to abide in dormancy, then the Law of Recompense will remain at best neutral for them, and consequently nothing good is going to come their way. To the contrary, considering that one of the main purposes of a Server’s incarnation is to show the Way by example, the opposite of beneficent reward is likely to ensue. Failure to employ free will wisely shall result in the withholding of wake-up calls and, therefore, remembrance for Servers and, as they slumber on, they will experience growing inner conflict as the Harvest Time approaches in order that they may be catalysed into positive action in good time. In the world of a Server, inactivity is synonymous with delay and, while retarding the unfoldment of the Divine Plan, any postponement of a Server’s remembrance will detrimentally affect mankind’s process of awakening and liberation also; this is due to the interconnectivity of planetary consciousness.

The inertia of Servers is both their prison and their tomb, until they decide to step beyond it, and then the universe will co-operate as the following assurance from Goethe conveys:?

Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, and always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative, there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would not otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favour all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no one could have dreamt would have come their way. Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.

It is true that mass-selfishness, fear of change, spiritual apathy and the intensifying catharsis of the world-ego, at best create a difficult environment for awakening, and thus hold back the overall grand mission of Servers. However, it is with such circumstances that Servers must learn to live and through which they must travail. Furthermore, it is precisely these problems that Servers have come to help humanity overcome, and so it may be recognised that for Servers to remain inert is to definitely neglect their voluntary responsibility to the world. Self-imposed delay is a great deal more serious for a Server than for the average person upon the spiritual path due to the important task with which they have been charged, and also because of their more advanced spiritual level; the further along the path a soul reaches, the greater its responsibility. Every moment wasted in the ignorance of self-concern is an opportunity for service lost, a chance to catalyse another Server into remembrance missed, or a helping hand withheld from humanity. When complacent Servers awaken in recollection of their purpose (either upon this side of physical death or in the astral world), they may sorely regret every precious moment that has been frittered away in their past self-orientation, for in violating the spiritual ethic of their group-soul, such lost time amounts to a failure of their voluntary duty to mankind and planet Earth.

Negative attributes of the lower self such as selfishness, sloth or pride promote spiritual blindness and hold down the vibratory rate of consciousness. Since like attracts like, such a befogged auric condition will inevitably draw in other dense etheric, astral and mental matter which, in turn, will render the lower vehicles of the Server vulnerable to influence by energies and intelligences that are much less than divine. Psychological or emotional contaminants thus attracted by Servers, particularly during their present incarnation, will at best create avoidable complications for them during their process of awakening. Beclouded Servers are unable to move from where they are until they embark earnestly and uncompromisingly upon the path of spiritual seeking. This is the first and perhaps most important step for them toward remembrance. However, it is a fact that a significant number of Servers have become so deeply entrenched in the human condition of self-obsession and spiritual lethargy upon the planet today that they may never recover in this lifetime from their amnesia. For those who have become encumbered by much additional karma since they originally volunteered to assist planet Earth numerous incarnations ago, and who are incapable or unwilling to make the right kind of effort to change, it may take many physical-plane lifetimes to reach the sufficient level of consciousness required whereby they will be able to penetrate their veil of forgetfulness, remember their origins and ancient vows, and thus continue upon their way.

Like humanity, many Servers are today spending much time, money and effort in the process of self-healing. Now, it is a fact that in order for the personality to establish spiritual contact one must be free of all psycho-emotional impediments that inevitably prevent unconditional love from being constantly expressed, and such healing is, of course, a vital requirement for all Servers who would ready themselves to receive those high-frequency energies that bring remembrance. However,?true and permanent healing cannot be effected in self-regard, especially under the adjusted laws of the Aquarian age. For each and every Server without exception, earnest spiritual seeking and selfless service are the quickest and most fruitful ways to expedite divine remembrance and thus also personal healing. Focussing upon the lower self – the personality – with its multiple problems and delusions is definitely not the way, for?energy follows thought, and what is focussed upon grows, particularly in these times of rapid planetary acceleration.

It is imperative that Servers establish an attitude of detachment from their personal lives. They must arrive at the understanding that their personality is but a vehicle for the group-soul – their greater self. When utilised dispassionately, the personality may serve as an instrument for the collective mind; a veritable beacon that may shine a light of Truth upon the world, soothing the ills of humanity and pioneering a new and better way of healing and spiritual advancement in the Aquarian age. Complete and permanent healing may take place instantaneously in these extraordinary times, and the new and very effective healing protocols rely upon a fundamental grasp of contemporary world conditions and requirements, basic occult understanding, an inclusive awareness (unity consciousness), and, therefore, a selflessly consecrated and so serviceful attitude. The more astute candidates for harvest are today realising?healing through helpfulness; they are discovering that group collaboration is especially effective in expediting such healing due to the synergetic potency made available, as the response from divine Agents upon the inner side of life – inevitable in all earnest group work – effects a greater influx of spiritual, healing energy for everyone.

Generally, and by law, when Servers are either ready to serve or to be trained for world service, members of their group will begin to appear. At this stage, Servers will have attained a sufficient degree of remembrance to be able to quickly recognise others of symbiotic vibration who, like themselves, have also incarnated from more highly evolved realms in order to offer hope, healing and salvation to humanity. When all members of the soul-family become once again naturally selfless in their present incarnation, and therefore dedicated in service to humanity, the group will be ready to fully reunite upon the physical plane, and the powerful experience of?group healing?will then be realised. It is at this time that united Servers will recognise that there is no quicker or more effective way to heal the lower vehicles of consciousness (and to thus bring about further remembrance) than by invoking the assistance of the group-soul, which is primarily concerned with?world healing, and here is the key to success.

Today, the time has arrived for Servers to begin to realise their spiritual potential and to awaken from the limitations that the veil of forgetfulness has imposed upon them. Just a memory away stands waiting the doorway leading to the New World, and beyond it a transcendental light, a luminous aurora of untainted holiness which far surpasses the most sublime spiritual vision that may have been glimpsed during the present lifetime. Emanating from within that sentient radiance is a gently comforting, supremely loving and so, so familiar voice – yet not a voice – beckoning, softly calling all Servers to awaken, to find one another, to rise up to meet the urgent needs of a world in transition, and by helping others, to partake in the ineffable joy of divine remembrance.

As the Harvest Time draws nearer, those Servers who have managed to penetrate their veil to some degree and who have not become hopelessly incarcerated by the contagious spiritual somnambulism of the world-ego, will experience the enhancement of a very familiar delight as rising frequencies of Aquarian energy continue to irradiate their consciousness, expanding their perceptions and stimulating remembrance, bringing them ever closer to their greater spiritual awareness and immediate destiny. The veil of forgetfulness will thus be finally drawn aside completely and permanently, and Servers will enter the major reawakening phase of their present incarnation. Looking back upon the past years of their current lifetime as one recalls an old, faded memory, awakened Servers will recognise that a great deal of that life has been intelligently guided by the directives of the group mind and, having availed them of vital experience and learning, has led to their present stage of restored spiritual felicity. Consequently, in spontaneous deference to the divine intelligence of their group-soul, now tangibly?“closer than hands and feet”, and in attuning effortlessly to the flow of intuitive wisdom and love from within, Servers will find themselves sailing upon veritable waves of grace that will propel them forward toward the New Day as they act perfectly appropriately to meet the need of each moment, in service to the world.

The process of remembrance will eventually deliver Servers to the final Great Portal that gives access to the?Inner Sanctum: a hidden chamber which has been prepared for a momentous group-initiation that corresponds to the Great Transition and the most universally significant Harvest Time ever known upon the planet. This magnificent event will serve as a precedent for unity consciousness in the Aquarian age, and will precipitate a new era of international co-operation upon Earth. It is group love that determines the anticipated and forthcoming moment when the floodgates of divine remembrance will swing permanently open, revealing unequivocally that the Servers’ past dream of loneliness, frustration and struggle has come to an end. At this time those holy forces that are still presently latent within the hearts of all Servers will be released for the uplifting, healing and blessing of the world. Such an occasion is without comparison in Earth’s history, and will become a glorious reality for all those successful Servers who prepare themselves in group formation. It is at this time that all the various soul-families are destined to unite again around the world, fulfilling their ancient pledge to humanity and effecting the final consummation of the Divine Plan for planet Earth at the end of this major world cycle. All triumphant Servers will soon remember how such spiritual success and emancipation were assured them long ago by way of their selflessness during countless incarnations of service unto the?lambs of God. On Judgement Day those who have helped to secure the liberation and ascension of the world shall claim their hard-won prize as together they enter a higher reality. This long-awaited culmination of the Servers’ grand collective mission on Earth will give rise to the wondrous experience of?group remembrance, and has been termed “The Rapture” in the New Testament.


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