Remembering Our Magic
Lama Rod Owens
Buddhist Minister, Author, Activist, Yoga Instructor, Authorized Lama, Queen
I'm here to remember my magic, and to teach you to remember your magic too.?
Much of my mourning comes from feeling like I've lost much of my magic. By magic, I mean the rituals and relationships my ancestors have relied on to keep them attuned to the material and the unseen worlds, as well as the magic of creativity, passion, joy, and resilience.
Everything I've done to understand my mind through contemplative and tantric practices has been an attempt to reclaim a magic that systems of oppression have conditioned me to be terrified of.
By remembering our magic, in whatever forms resonate with us, we regain the resources needed to return to the way our spirits used to be before systemic reality and violence began to reorganize and redefine us.
We need magic and ritual to meet the immense grief and loss we're facing due to the carceral state, which is embodied in the ongoing genocide, occupations, and white supremacist violence that we continue to witness.?Working through our heartbreak is how we remember our wholeness.?
Looking to remember your magic? Join me for a five-part practice series on Ma Tara, the female Buddha of compassion, to deepen your relationship with grief and tend to it with an ethic of care.
May we call on the resources we have within and around us to meet our grief with compassion. May we joyfully envision and co-create a liberated world.
In remembrance of magic,
Lama Rod
5 Sundays in March from 12:00 - 3:00 pm ET: March 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st
with additional Practice Leader-led integration sessions on Thursday, March 7th and March 28th from 3:00 - 4:00pm ET?
Join Lama Rod for a five-part practice series on Ma Tara, the female Buddha of compassion, to deepen your relationship with grief, compassion, and joy
The New Saints, now a USA Today bestseller, is available online and in bookstores near you! I’m excited to continue touring the U.S. in addition to visiting Europe in the Spring. The next stop is the East coast in March – I hope you’re ready New York and Boston!?
More Events
A Monthly Online Gathering Thursday, March 7th, 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm UK | 1:00pm - 2:00pm EST | 10:00am - 11:00am PST
Free Radicals?is a?monthly online community practice space?created specifically with our UK friends in mind - although everyone is welcome to join us.?
A residential retreat in Denver, CO May 25th - 31st, 2024
In this retreat we will explore themes around climate anxiety, the harm of individual and collective narcissism, connecting to the awakened consciousness of the earth as well as the sky, and developing renewed visions for climate change organizing and activism based on the recognition that all systems of violence intersect with climate change work. Applications close on March 15th; apply now!
If you've been to an online or in-person gathering with Lama Rod, you will likely have met one or more of us :) Learn more about Lama Rod’s team members – Nia, sadada, Daniel, Eric, and Vivian – here!
Looking for more resources and ways to consistently engage with Lama Rod's teachings? Join the?Learning & Practice Community,?which includes:
...and much more.
Did You Miss This?
Lama Rod?and Spring Washam have a?podcast series on?the Be Here Now Network, where they explore?black abolitionist liberation practices for these evolving times. ?