Remembering the Men who gave us their All and what that means.
Denise Sutton
Freelance Blogger, CONSERVATIVE Activist, Political humor and comedy at The Ornery Latina!
My uncle Joe was a good man not only was he a Veteran, he was my God father, a good friend to my father also a fellow Veteran and a damn good Uncle. He was was in the Knights of Columbus and he cared about all those around him. Most of all I remember him for the fond memories growing up like the wet smoochy kisses he'd give me only to watch me wipe them off as he laughed. To his smelly foot order and tough New York accent. Inside he was a big teddy bear and a loving husband and family man to my mom's oldest sister Evelyn. Losing him made me think about my father who is around the same age. Dad served the longest in our family with the military and he also wired our Nukes for a short time before heading the Maintenance department for the San Diego Postal service for 20 years as well.
My Dad lived to fly helicopters and he worked on them for a living. I remember sitting inside a copter after they finished up maintaining it with the strict rules don't touch anything or we'll all lose our jobs. I was around eight years old maybe younger looking at the controls and I replied I'll only pretend in my mind that I'm flying. I was the youngest member of my father's crew and it was than sitting in that hanger that I knew what my father did was truly special. I remember once telling someone my dad is a hero, and he the son of a Captain said your father is just a swab, a sailor that ain't nothing. I later asked my father what exactly is a swab, he said it was a derogatory term and its a real good thing I didn't know what this kid was implying because he would have gotten a real ass kicking by a girl.
Later that same kid, the Son of a Captain was throwing lemons at the sailors coming off base with my ex hubby. I asked them what they were doing they gave me the lemon bucket while jumping over a fence as the sailors backed up seeing me holding the bucket and than sped off because they were gentlemen unlike the idiots throwing the lemons. The guys laughing in the bushes got a tongue lashing when I asked them what they were doing. Throwing lemons at the swabs and I screamed you fucking a holes my dad was a swab and you think cuz your son's of captains that your better than us, Fuck you all. Fucking jerks. BTW, that same guy's girlfriend disrespected the Latina and I backhanded her in the face and also went out for a football pass cutting off this six foot six Captains son and taking the football right from him showing him that a daughter of a swab is not to fuck with. Steve Powell was a drunkin idiot who later earned the name stink, stumble-bum. That's entitlement for you folks. Later I heard he quit drinking and got it together. So there is hope for people.
Lessons from my Dad, recently I learned he was suppose to fly on a mission where he'd pick up a new helicopter to replace an old. Instead a buddy had family in Florida and went in his place, the Helicopter never made it and all the crew perished. That could have been my dad, who blew up and crashed into a side of mountain. When I worked for Oregonians for Immigration and was political a man approached me and a congress woman hopeful claiming to work for CIA, under the Bush administration. He told my friend they needed to talk, and I questioned him and he knew my name saying you be quiet there is no talking to you as your beyond hope and a lot of trouble for us and if you don't button it you will die soon enough. That was rude. And I told him so too. Bullies don't threaten women and that guy was a big coward.
Whether you worked for Mr. Bush or any Government official true character comes from service to our country and loyalty, those are the lessons I got from Dad. There is no reason to be ugly or make threats and true character is holding true to your core values. You see my father did a job, a job he loved and he saved lives. He didn't need to go around making threats to a woman who supported a Congress woman who had no chance of winning again a flaming liberal bow tied fagot who was a career politician who did nothing but hurt this country Earl Blumenaur. Also in D.C. anyone who'd sell out this country and our military for a fake agenda needs to be booted out of office. Agendas that distract from the real reason we are all here seem to linger in the media while the real issues go unchecked. What is bigger than the love of money is the love of country and our fellow man which lacks in the world of entitlements and in the lives of the people like the Clintons and the entitled Bush's who failed us.
The last point after my accident in which I was threatened before the near fatal crash was keep this up you will die threat two in six months. Well I'm still here by the Grace of God. And my message is clear keep fighting folks. The closer we get to the truth the more these bullies will back down. Never give up because what we have is so worth fighting for. The Truth is the greatest thing about this country is that we are military strong and without these people giving their lives for us, there'd be no us. My dad was the first voice I remember after my accident and I remember this even on the cocktail of drugs, was thank god your alive. And Thank God your alive too. God bless all you guys who serve our Country and are all true American heroes.