We all remember where we were on 9-11-01. I was in Lafayette, Louisiana in a corporate meeting...leading it, actually. That was back when only salesmen had the fancy cell phones that got news feeds and email. At a break they were getting frantic texts and reading their breaking news feeds. We had the hotel bring in a TV (old CRT tube style) into the ballroom where our meeting was taking place. We canceled the meeting and sent everyone home to be with their families.
All US Airspace was shut down (to this day I don't know who managed to think of and do that, but it was absolutely brilliant given the uncertainty at the time.) Surreal to this day.
Many people afterwards asked questions such as "where was God"?
I used to work in a fire-testing lab. One of the things we tested was insulation designed to prevent structural steel in skyscrapers from figuratively turning into spaghetti in a fire. If it all works, this gives firefighters time to knock the fire down before the transition (spaghetti) temperature is reached. Before the building collapses.
If the insulation got a hole in it, the steel RAPIDLY reached transition temperature. Not melting but no longer strong. Even a small hole would accelerate the failure to a matter of 5-15 minutes, where the "normal" time the insulation was designed for was 30 minutes, an hour, sometimes 1 1/2 or 2, depending on city codes.
Testing was usually for standard fires, not jet-fueled ones.
To this day I am amazed that the towers stood as long as they did. The crashes not only put holes in the insulation, they likely destroyed any traces of the insulation on impact. Not everyone got out, but when the planes hit there were tens of thousands of souls in the two buildings.
Most got out. Before the steel transitioned. Or perhaps even after the steel transitioned.
God was there.
6 年In God we Trust, so sad innocent people were murdered. And Firemen trying to help loss their lives too. The Love of Money is the root of all Evil. Albert Einstein said he was not sure what weapons would be invented to fight WW3, but he was sure WW4 would be fought with sticks and stones! When will we stop killing each other? It's a pretty big universe, maybe we need to focus on developing Mars and ensuring food security. Then maybe killing each other will have been done to death!