Remembering Mahamana, Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya
Remembering Mahamana, Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya December 25

Remembering Mahamana, Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya

Remembering Mahamana, Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya

December 25

Birthday of Mahamana Madan Mohan Malaviya. Who did unforgettable work for the country, Sanatan, Hindutva. Ganga ji cleanliness campaign was started by his own hands.

In the Chauri-Chaura incident, Malviya ji fought the case of the Indians who burnt the police station of the British. In which he saved about 150 innocent Indians from major punishment like jail, black water, and hanging. But his contribution to history has been forgotten.

Hundreds of salutes to the founder of BHU Mahamana Malviya ji...

Mahamana Madan Mohan Malaviya, the worshiper of Hindutva

As soon as the name of Banaras Hindu University comes, the stunning statue of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya, the worshiper of Hindutva, comes in front of the eyes. He was born on December 25, 1861. His father Pandit Brajnath used to follow his family only through Katha, discourse and worship.

After completing primary education, Malviya ji studied Sanskrit and English. Due to poverty, his mother taught him by mortgaging her bracelet. It used to bother him a lot that Muslim and Christian students know a lot about their religion, But Hindus remain blank in this direction.

Malviya ji did M.A. in Sanskrit. wanted to study more But due to the financial crisis, he had to take up teaching. U.P. The king of Kalakankar's princely state was greatly influenced by him. He used to bring out a newspaper named 'Hindusthan'. He called Malviya ji and made him its editor. Malviya ji agreed on the condition that Raja Saheb would never talk to him after drinking alcohol. Under the editorship of Malviya ji, the letter became famous all over India.

But one-day Rajasaheb broke his condition. Therefore, principled Malviya ji resigned. Rajasaheb apologized to him, But Malviya ji remained firm. At the time of departure, Rajasaheb insisted that he should study law and he would bear the expenses for it. Malviya ji accepted this.

Even after leaving Dainik Hindusthan, his interest in journalism remained. He continued to write independently in many newspapers and magazines. He also edited many Hindi and English newspapers like Indian Union, Bharat, Abhyudaya, Sanatan Dharma, Leader, Hindustan Times etc.

He also established several newspapers. After completing law studies, he started practising law. From this, he earned a lot of money. He did not take false cases and fought the cases of the poor free of cost. Due to this, his fame spread everywhere in a short time. He was also very active in Congress.

Whenever there was any crisis in the Hindu religion, Malviya ji used to reach there immediately. In Haridwar, when the British conspired to release the water from the dam instead of the mainstream at Har Ki Pauri, Malviya ji made the British bow down through a massive agitation. Because of his love for every Hindu, he initiated thousands of Harijan brothers with Om Namah Shivay and Gayatri Mantra. His life used to reside in the service of Hindi and the protection of cows. Along with Lala Lajpat Rai and Swami Shraddhanand, he also founded the 'All India Hindu Mahasabha'.

Malviya ji had the desire to establish a Hindu University for a long time. As soon as he got the land from Kashi Naresh, he started collecting money by roaming all over the country. He did not even spare the Nawabs of Muslim princely states like Hyderabad and Rampur. That's why people used to call him the unique beggar of the world.

In August 1946, when the Muslim League carried out massacres in Northeast India in the name of direct action, Malaviyaji was lying on the sick bed. He wept on hearing about the atrocities on Hindu women there. In this condition, he died on November 12, 1946. Before leaving his body, he had given a very poignant statement to the Hindus as his last message.

It is a matter of 1906.

Kumbh Mela was held at Triveni Sangam. Banaras Hindu University was established on Pandit Malaviya's tune. Malaviya was roaming around in the fair telling people the same thing. How he has taken a pious resolution to establish BHU. People definitely listen to him but do not react. Some people go away unheard. But Malviya's words had a magical effect on an old mother. Mataji came closer and opened the bundle and put a penny in Malviya ji's hand. Said- Son, this is what is left of the expenditure, take it and keep it. Malviya kept staring for a long time with that one paisa in his hand, then he was inspired by the donation of that one paisa. This was the inspiration that why not collect funds and put the concept of the university on the ground. On the basis of this idea, such an institute was established in 1300 acres, whose fame is still flying today.

Then Malviya ji started a stormy tour for donations across the country. Running tirelessly from Peshawar to Kanyakumari, Mahamana raised a donation of Rs 1.64 crore during that period.

Funds have been arranged. Now the concern was about the land. Thought to take help from Kashi Naresh. Reached the ghat. It was time to bathe in the Ganges. When Kashi Naresh came out after taking dips, Malaviya asked for the land. Kashi Naresh laughingly said - I will give the land, but with a condition. The condition is that till the sun sets, you will get as much land as you measure by walking. Malviya ji was stubborn. Malaviya started measuring the land. Only then did Pandit Malaviya succeed in laying the foundation of Kashi Hindu University on February 4, 1916.

Another interesting thing is that when Malaviya was dreaming of BHU, Annie Besant was also working on the plan for a university, while Maharaj Rameshwar Singh of Darbhanga was also involved in establishing Sharda Vidyapeeth in Kashi. The plans of these three universities were conflicting. Eventually, Malaviya talked to both people and persuaded them to cooperate in the establishment of BHU.

As a result, the BHU Society was established on 15 December 1911, with Maharaj Darbhanga as President, Chief Barrister Sunderlal of Allahabad High Court as Secretary, Maharaj Prabhunarayan Singh, Malviya and Annie Besant as respected members. On the initiative of the then Education Minister Sir Harcourt Butler, the Hindu University Act was passed by the Central Assembly in 1915, which was immediately approved by the then Governor General Lord Hardinge.

On the occasion of Vasant Panchami, on January 14, 1916, the foundation stone of BHU was laid on the land received from Kashi Naresh, parallel to Ramnagar, west of the Ganges coast. Gandhi ji also came on a special invitation in that ceremony held in the presence of common people and princely states from all over the country.

Today it is the largest residential university in Asia. It has two campuses. The main campus is in 1300 acres of land donated by the King of Kashi. The other campus is at Barkachha in Mirzapur district. Spread over 2700 acres. More than 35 thousand students acquire knowledge in more than 75 hostels. Students from more than three dozen countries also study here.

Hundreds of salutes to Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya ji on his birth anniversary......

In slave India, the leaders with such a broad vision were less than the tips of the fingers. Malviya ji was a politician, an educationist, and a barrister, but these are different shades of his multi-coloured personality. If all these colours are mixed, then such a rainbow is formed, which spread the light during its lifetime, and it is illuminating Indians even today. Banaras Hindu University is a living example of this.

Born in the slave India of the 19th century, Mahamana realized the fact that political freedom would become meaningful only when we would be able to create progressive and cultured youth. For this a world-class university was necessary, but how could it be made? He was not born in a millionaire family to earn the distinction of being called a donor by donating a part of his wealth. It was a very difficult task. With the beginning of the East India Company Raj, the British had broken the back of our traditional education as well. In such a situation, the idea of establishing a university was enough to alert them. The philanthropists from whom donations were to be taken, must have been hesitating that the eyes of Englishman Bahadur might not get skewed. It was the time of kings, maharajas and city dwellers. He was not used to seeing India in a holistic manner in any other matter other than pilgrimages. For this reason, it was not easy to persuade him to donate to the university somewhere far away in Varanasi.

How he rolled papad for this, will be guessed only from this story. The Nizams of Hyderabad were extremely stingy. He did not give the necessary expenses even to his family members, in such a situation it was the audacity to even think of taking donations from him.

While persuading, fighting and fighting like this, they laid the foundation of Banaras Hindu University. For this it was necessary that top subject-experts should be posted there. At that time education was not so widespread. There were few Indian scholars and they too were not ready to leave their land. Malviya ji convinced scholars from India and abroad as donors with a lot of effort. He established departments from oriental studies to mining and created all kinds of faculties. It was such a unique university, where foreign professors taught engineering or science wearing a tie, while the principal of the Institute of Oriental Studies was adorned in Indian costumes. Hindu University became the 'Capital of Sarvavidya' in the true sense.



