Remembering a Great Man ...
Amy J. Hawkins
Media Relations, Communications Consultant, Political Strategist, Grassroots Advocate, Law Enforcement friend #Republican #Millennial
My heart is so sad tonight.
Matt Robbins and I first met when he was with American Majority probably back in 2012 at least. He was this savvy guy that came and did my campaign schools at Citizens for Traditional Values. He was this nice guy that flew in from out of state and brought these most epic training to our attendees.
He came back more than once. He knew his stuff. He was a great communicator. He was winsome, and witty and helpful and we really loved having him serve our Michigan candidates.
We became friends. I left CTV. He left AM. And we kept in touch. I'd call him for advice on strategy. Or talk to him about the latest dramatic stuff happening in politics. He was like this older brother who didn't think I was a fool but actually respected me. Took me seriously. And cheered me on.
Matt was always connecting me to people. "Amy you need to talk to this person ..." and I was his go-to for Michigan politics. "Amy, what do you think of ... and do you know any candidates that ..."
The latest connection was new friend Andrew Beeler. Matt thought I needed to know this guy who was wanting to run for office in Michigan. He met him at a Veteran's training. He was right to connect us ... this candidate clicked with me. Not only did I see what Matt saw I threw myself by my own accord into helping Beeler (what I lovingly refer to him as). And Andrew became my friend!!! Matt had a knack for seeing quality people and helping them connect with other quality people.
Thanks to Chris Faulkner for cluing me in that Matt was gone ...
He died last night. A compilation of lymphoma, colitis and COVID19. He leaves behind a little girl and an extended family. And he leaves behind so many men and women across America who he invested in.
Matt so loved America. He believed in America. He was jaded after all his years of politics but yet he was hopeful. You would get his bland critique on an issue with deep sarcasm ... but he kept pressing forward. He knew that there was still hope no matter how much liberal crassness we faced ... he knew that all our efforts were worth it.
Matt is home now ... probably in awe of getting to meet Abe Lincoln or George Washington. He's probably finding his seat in the stadium of saints as he gets ready to watch all of us that he has invested in. He's looking around at the big wigs sitting next to him and saying, "See those people down there? They are my team. I trained them. You are going to love what you see ... let's see what they've got. Amy will you do it? Andrew will you run all the way? Tom will you try again? John will you remain true to your principles?" and on and on and on.
I'm going tp miss his emails and text with one word responses ... I'll miss him in politics and life. I hate this life sometimes. And yet I find myself completely blessed to have been able to have a guy like Matt as a friend and have "the Matt Robbins" think I could be somebody ... he believed I was smart and worth investing in. I have a very strong hunch, I'm not alone.
I hate you for leaving too soon ... you leave people like us with so much to clean up :) from progressive and liberal policies when you "should" be here with us!! But Matt you sowed so many great seeds into so many lives that are so grateful for the time and energy you took to pour into us ... you are one of a few that I will work to make you proud.
Until we meet again on the other side ...
- Ames
P.S. If you have memories of Matt direct message me. There is an email/address they are collecting stories/ways he has impact your life for a collection for his little girl.
#Leaders #GreatAmericans #Patriots