Remember Why You started ?
As you progress through life, remembering where you have started or what you have previously believed gives you a frame of reference to refer to, eventhough it is nothing more than a memory, it can help you to distinguish between your ignorant innocence and your wiser self,this is a valuable exercise that enables you use your intuition more effectively, it helps you to recognize where transitions have been made and possibly what were the circumstances involved,things like how you view people and their motives or how you may now view a particular belief as compared to an earlier version is a reinforcement to your objective observational process,a continuous analysis of your beliefs and how you have come upon them is important towards their continuity in your thoughts.
It gives you a scale of success that’s realistic in terms of your own life, a much better way to measure than comparing where you are to people farther ahead than you (for whatever reasons, and there are many) which is a great way to make yourself miserable no matter how successful you are.
There is an assumption on the question that this is important. I would say that is the case but early one in ones growing awareness, but as all legitimate masters say, “ the only reality is here and now", so once that level of consciousness is achieved, the relativity of past and future become insignificant.
It hits home when, “where you are going in life" is constantly elusive.
The most important thing that I want to forget is that Death is inescapable i.e the reality of life that makes me sad..
The fear of death is what never let you live happily , so I believe to live in this moment because this moment is life..
For the most beautiful thing of life is LIFE itself… the person who said and influenced us has become immortal and has made us realize that , It is not important to live 100 years , do something that great toady so ,that people will remember you for hundred years ..
All these quotes give me strength to live this life to the most , so That is the reason I want to forget death , the most important thing or reality of life , to live this moment happily and be more alive.Keep respect around you.keep uplift all needy ones.keep create your road with full of confidence hands…
When faced with difficulties in future, when we have two ways to go. We should remember the consequences of the wrong way we have chosen once. It gives us directions and power to be on the right path.
So don't go down due to your few brutal failures... Remember failures are always a great asset to smash your future stages in a bigger way.
Give me more! Push harder . Too tired , too hard ,too busy , too early , too stressed . No excuses . I feel like quitting I remember I have too much to fight for . I will never give up.
Good Luck ??