?? Remember When ??
I had a favourite aunt and although it's been twenty years since her passing I can still recall the sound of her voice like it was yesterday, as well as the way I felt the day of her funeral when one of her favourite songs Remember When by Alan Jackson was being played.
She loved her husband, children, grandchildren, Christmas, Disney, music and life. So in celebration of her life I would like to share the following parable I wrote for her family and my uncle prior to spending his first Christmas without her in more than fifty years.
I pray its story about love, life, loss, faith and hope inspires you to share its heartfelt message on behalf of anyone grieving their partner in life this holiday season.
Remember when we first met and the feelings we would get.
The day that we were wed. And all the days that lay ahead.
Remember when all we had were our dreams of what may come.
The way they kept us young. And although we did not realize every one.
How we felt achieving some.
Remember when we used to fight especially the times I was right.
And when Christmas makes you sad be thankful for all the ones we had.
Remember when it is said and done with all the laughter and the tears.
There was never anyone. I loved more throughout the years.
Remember when we meet again it will be, as it was then.
Remember when.
? Richard Lawrence Belford
Richard is the author of "It’s Not Goodbye, It’s See You Later; A Collection Of Inspirational Parables” and its 2nd edition; “The Best Is Yet To Come.”
A parable is a symbolic short story that illustrates or teaches some truth, religious principle or moral lesson.
In this life no one is promised tomorrow and we often leave or are left wishing we had just five more minutes. This makes grief one of society’s most misunderstood and profoundly difficult experiences that cannot be resolved by closure alone if there is even such a thing, but by the slow measure of acceptance that only the passage of time and words of comfort can provide.
GenZ Publishing believes Richard's words can provide that comfort and his new book will not only inspire those who read it to always say; “I’ll see you later, instead of goodbye", but also believe; “The best is yet to come!”
Richard believes that those who have experienced loss should support one another’s efforts to comfort others and is grateful to The Centering Corporation's Executive Director Janet Roberts and Grief Digest Magazine for theirs.
It's Not Goodbye, It’s See You Later ―The Best is Yet to Come is available worldwide on Amazon.com. If you would like to learn more about Richard’s writings and/or his new book please visit: www.RichardLawrenceBelford.ca
"The world goes on without them, for most it goes unchanged. But, for some it will never be the same.” ― Richard Lawrence Belford
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