Remember These Ten Things When Starting Work as a Contract Clinician

Remember These Ten Things When Starting Work as a Contract Clinician

The?SLPs,?OTs,?PTs, and?RDs?that work with FeldCare Connects are all contract clinicians. They are independent contractors who find work through our service and are therefore responsible for managing their work as entrepreneurs rather than employees.

Working as a contractor has many benefits, including setting your own schedule, working independently, earning supplemental income, and more. On the other hand, contract work comes with its own set of challenges.

Remember These Ten Things When Starting Work as a Contract Clinician

In the list below, we share ten things that any contract clinician needs to remember when beginning work. Some of these are exciting, while others are everyday reminders. If you are considering signing up with FeldCare Connects, be sure to review the list!

1. You’ll need to file your own taxes.

At FeldCare Connects, you are a 1099 worker. This means you work independently, not as an employee, and your tax calculations will reflect the difference. We would never give you tax advice as we aren’t tax experts. So, it’s wise to consult with a CPA to understand the following:

a. What kind of savings you will need to set aside from each paycheck so that your tax bill doesn’t come as a shock.

b. What counts as a tax write-off, and what does not.

c. The best way to keep tax records and for how long.

d. Any other questions you may have.

Talking to a CPA before you begin contract work will get you started on the right foot, and keep you from experiencing any unpleasant surprises.

2. You are responsible for your licensing and ongoing training.

As an independent contractor, you are responsible for licensing, certification, and continuing education. You will also be accountable for telling FeldCare Connects when you gain additional licensing or update your certification.

3. You get paid during billable hours only.

Administration, orientation, training, and certification are all done outside of billable hours, meaning they are not paid work if you are an independent clinician. This means that budgeting and understanding what amount you’re willing to accept per hour is vital to ensuring you hit any income goals you’ve set.

4. You will be building your own medical bag.

As you work in home health, you’ll build a medical bag with the tools you need to benefit your patients and keep yourself safe and healthy. A general bag might include gloves, hand sanitizer, masks, a blood pressure cuff, a stethoscope, and a first aid kit. After these essentials, you may need to bring specific items to each session, depending on your specialty.

For example, a physical therapist might bring hot and cold packs to every session. In contrast, a speech therapist might bring a dry-erase board and markers.

You will determine what you need in that portable medical bag over time.

5. There are resources you can utilize – even if you’re working alone.

In all of the above points, we’ve emphasized that you will work alone and make many independent decisions. However, there are also plenty of resources available for you to use. Independent clinicians may use workflow software, a favorite calendar app, the cliniCONNECTS app, and can always tap into the team at FeldCare Connects or the home health agency. While working independently, using supports will help you be more effective at your job.

6. You can control your schedule.

One of the exciting aspects of being an independent contractor is controlling your schedule. Earning money during spare time is always a benefit – especially if you need to pay off student debt, would like an additional income stream, or have a goal that can be made possible by bringing in additional income. Fortunately, this additional income stream comes with the benefit of setting your own hours and building a schedule that works well for you.

7. You’ll need to buy insurance.

Working as an independent contractor means that you’ll need insurance. That includes both automobile insurance and malpractice insurance.

8. Different agencies will have varying administrative best practices.

At FeldCare Connects, we link SLPs, OTs, PTs, and RDs with a variety of home health practices. While many practices use the EMR system that syncs with our app, this isn’t always the case.

Agencies have their one best practices and accept a variety of insurances. Get a feel for the paperwork and administrative best practices of the home-health agency with which you’ve been connected to provide the patient with the services covered by their insurance.

That might sound challenging and can be a little daunting at first. But the FeldCare Connects team is happy to help you get started. We are here to assist you as you explore the home health world and become familiar with the administration needs of particular agencies.

9. You are in charge of submitting invoices and doing accounting.

When you sign up to FeldCare Connects, we share when and how you’ll get paid. However, payment is based on the work you’ve completed and invoiced.

10. You can customize your work radius, areas of specialization, and more.

You are in charge of the work you accept. That means you’re in control of your schedule, the types of patients you’d like to take, and in what areas you’d like to work. All of this and more can be done through the cliniCONNECTS app that we use here at FeldCare Connects.

Working as a contract clinician is a great way to get a feel for home health, build an additional income stream, and branch out as a therapist. Not only do you get to set your own hours, but you can customize your work radius and lean into your creative side. However, some challenges come with working on a contract. This type of work is a test of organizational skills, requires more legwork on your end, and means you have to think outside the box.

If working independently in home health sounds like an interesting challenge,?get in touch!


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