Remember, and Return, Restore!
“It still continues, as many await, as even in the days of Noah!”.
“At First!”
“At First has now passed!”
“Now they will come up with man’s views of the truth being transformed from the truth into the false and deceptiveness of pressing their desires further into the hearts and souls of mankind!”
“Even now are they, prepping through sight and hearing everywhere, their agendas of placing themselves above the God, Who is His Word, even God Who making His Word flesh, and sending Him into the world; “In order that all may be reconciled back to The Father.”
“Coming Against God!”
“Oh, foolish generation of vipers, “really,” stating and mocking God, in words and deeds unbecoming of human nature, let alone God’s Goodness and Righteousness.”
“Starting with the prophets and using what they themselves have done through evilness trying to make it look like what men and women of God are!”
“Now, yelling and demanding, that all accept the wickedness and evilness of those who have forced themselves, into every outlet and observation, as “It’s all love.” Forgetting man’s ways are not those of God’s Ways, nor are the thoughts of man, the thoughts of God’s.”
“Just as it has always been written, just as Jesus God’s Word made flesh, has declared it shall be and become even worse, even up to the very Great and Fearful day of our Lord and Savior.”
“They will not at first go after the pastor which side already with them; nor those who march in the streets beside them calling out peace, peace, while they brought evil and darkness everywhere; their thoughts are those against God, and their deeds are not for peace at all, but for gain of the very things of this world, against God, who they say they are for.”
“Be on guard and watchful at all times!”
“The enemy will come against God and His Own; In measure as never before!”
“Starting with any / all who have spoken out against the lawlessness and evilness of this hour and this day!”
“Right out in the openness as God Himself so declared they shall do and be and become of their own wicked desires, filled in their hearts, being greater lovers of themselves, rather than lovers any longer of God. Having the outward appearance as godly, their own self set up imagines of god, false and fake, even providing for all others to accept and live in the fantasies of their own false god’s, of themselves, of their plans and of their wickedness.”
“Yet, those who sit in silence, in the false peace provided and offered by the one’s who say and do and have decided to only minster peace and love, while the entire world and all within it, have turned away from the True, The Truth, The Right and Righteous God. They say o themselves, “Lets be still a while longer, I order to see just how far this evilness and wickedness shall go; if we plan and remain only in the love aspect of God’s Word, we will not have to seem out of place in the world, so that the wickedness and evilness doesn’t come after us”
“Oh, foolish generation, do you not acknowledge, that the evilness and wickedness, of lawless deeds and ways, of sufferings project upon the weak, have these not already came past after them, and are now effecting you.”
“Even Now, return, turn and repent of your very own wicked shameful ways, and Turn back Towards God.”
“Stop calling the weak, weak, and return to the True and Truth of TEACHINGS, of God, of His Almighty Power, of His Word, Fear NOT, all who individually decide and return back to God, For He Surly is not finished with you yet.”
“For just as the wicked are calling out peace, peace, suddenly destruction shall be given!”
“Next comes just what God said would come about, stepping in to, de-face the church and the people of faith and belief!”
“While you sit about continuing to do nothing, still forgetting that “you,” Yourselves,” are the Church, so know also, they are and have already begin to come after you, and your children; even no longer hiding their plans of restarting a great reset of their own.”
“Still God remains, and in all of their efforts and all of their joint deeds, they shall not succeed even at times it shall seem as though they are!”
“Yes there are already false and fakes of gods, the enemy has already brought charge against God and His Children!”
“God is I AM and He Himself has told all of these days and hours which now are seen and revealed!”
“Have you really become so fooled, so bewitched, that you, yourselves, have believed that you have not a part within all which is good and all which is righteous, God being the only True Good and Righteous One God.”
“Has the twisted become your own hiding places, and have the teachings of man, and their certifications of themselves, become your believing?”
“Because of their own creations and releasing of lawlessness and corruption, they will develop ways even writing new laws which will bring a change against the faith and faithful, within the True God of all creation.”
“Calling many essential while taking away from them everything, making slaves of them through fearfulness and demands that even the elite in Christ, may fall and parish from upon the earth.”
“Still, even still, they will never be able to remove God, from anything, let alone their very own thoughts, because God shall remain, forever and ever, Amen.”
They will now not have to riot, nor bring about false and fake observations, because they have been able to dismantle good for evil! But for a short while!”
“Knowing not that their own doing is the force of the greater coming against themselves.” Proving that their own stands and agendas are not individually theirs at all; but only that they are being lead astray further and further from the Truth, from God.”
“Many will be brought before the counsel of their own appointed judges; even many will sell out others, because and for their own believing they will gain for themselves!
Greater and greater control shall be enforced against those who stand in the ways of the worldwide rejecting and rejections of God!”
“Not only shall they tell you, “you must,” accept their ways, but they will press forcefully and force-feeding their ways into your eyes and your ears, in hopes that you will allow their ways to darken your own hearts.”
“Even many shall be brought to death, because they will not surrender to the lawlessness of the ways and hours!”
“Still God Remains!”
“This shall be short lived and with each evil process pressed forwarder greater; so shall the coming of the Lord be brought ever so closer!”
“Because their foolishness and deadly evil ways, shall be the very power of evilness which shall usher in our Lord’s returning!”
“Even now shall “perilous,” times continue, the voice is clear; both voices, the voice which have been brought out of the darkness into the open; as well as, the “Greater Voice,” of God Himself!”
“Those who remain within “holding” onto their own shall find their own;
those who now repent and restore, their future within the Lord, shall gain their reward!”
“Yah, both shall truly gain their own self desired rewards.”
“Because Truly God still is and remains Ruler over all creation.”
“Now is the revival of the saved;
This is a faithful saying:
For “IF” we died with Him,
We shall also live with Him.”
“IF” we endue,
We shall also reign with Him.
“IF” we deny Him,
He also will deny us.
“IF” we are faithless,
He remains faithful;
He cannot deny Himself.”
2 Timothy 2:11-13
“Remind them of these things, charging them before the Lord not to strive about words to nonprofit, to the ruin of the hearers.”
2 Timothy 2:14
“Powerful times, Powerful Revelation!”
Be “diligent” to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth!”
But shun profane and idle babbling, for they will increase to more ungodliness.
And their message will spread like cancer, Hymenaeus and Philetus are of this sort.
Who have strayed concerning the truth, “saying that the resurrection is already past; and they overthrow the faith of some. Nevertheless, the solid foundation of God stands, having this seal:
“The Lord knows those who are His,” and, “Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity.”
But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also wood and clay, some for honor and some for dishonor.
Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, “prepared for every good work.”
2 Timothy 2:15-21
Live and living no longer as self, but as;
“Christ IN You!”
Titus 2-3:11