Peter Collins
Mentor ~ Coach ~ Acclaimed Author ~ Sales Strategist ~ Closing Specialist - High End Sales Trainer
(The following information is an extract from the Peter Collins Article Archive of over 3,000 Articles gathered from over 40 years of Personal Research). Copy and distribute this content as often as you want. You are encouraged to share it. ? Copyright Peter Collins, Sydney, Australia, 2020, all rights reserved.
There are a number of factors that make the selling experience enjoyable, memorable and even a must for the average shopper, no matter what the price of the goods or services and the time frame for delivery. So how much more would you be able to sell if you were able to if you understood this one factor better? And that’s what I’m about to share with you here.
And what you need to know, is that people not only buy what they want to buy, but they also afford what they want to afford.
Now to understand that one factor that people afford what they want to afford is the basis of all retail therapy. And according many researchers worldwide for decades now, shopping helps people feel better, because they can escape from the feeling of helplessness and gives them back personal control.
Shopping is no different from a mental standpoint than overeating or drinking to excess, because whenever we do that we are more likely to regulate any distress we may be encountering.
So let your prospects buy what they want to. Even facilitate it if you have to, because in their mind it’s what they need to do, and as a salesperson if you let them do that, because it’s what they want, then everyone wins. And you have no right to talk them out of it.
Years ago I learned a lesson that has stayed with me now for the best part of 40 years. I went to present to a referral that a client of mine suggested I see when I was selling water based cleaning systems that also doubled as a steam cleaner and the couple was sold, she wanted it as she always kept a clean house and so did her husband. But then he pulled me aside and told me the money was not an issue as he had the cash in the bedroom, but she had not been on a holiday for 20 years and that money was put aside for the holiday.
The man, let’s call him Mark Smith, then told me I had a choice to make, to let her have the cleaning system of her dreams or to let her have the holiday she had been dreaming of for the past 20 years. Unfortunately I didn’t fully appreciate what he said, and compassion got the better of me and I told him it would be best to give her the holiday, the one they had not had for 20 years.
A week or so later I rang the referrer and was told that Mark Smith was really angry with me. He bought the tickets for the holiday and now his wife was angry with him. She wanted the machine she told him she could have waited a little longer for the holiday as she had already waited 20 years. They couldn’t get a refund and she didn’t get her cleaning system.
Hearing that I didn’t pluck up the courage to call Mark Smith back and when I did he told me how she cries a lot over the machine she didn’t get and they can’t afford. And I was so touched that some months later I sold them a demonstrator machine on monthly instalments for around half the normal retail price. And the only way I could do that is that I took a hefty loss on the sale.
So go with the flow. Sell them what they want. If you don’t you too may have an expensive lesson on your hand as well. Just like I did.
But the biggest lesson here is that when the prospect can see a solution to what they may consider to be an unbearable situation, and you have convinced your prospect of that, simply give them what they want. If you don’t you could turn off a prospect for life that relied on your expertise to make their life or business venture more agreeable.
And the biggest lesson you will learn when you do that, It’s never your role as a salesperson to deny your prospect that. And if you never forget that one point, you will definitely sell more of the prospects that you could not close previously.
Peter Collins
#SalesTips, #Selling, #Remember This, #PeopleAffordWhatTheyWantToAfford, #DirectComparrison, #UnderstandingWhyProspectsBuy, #WhyProspectsBuy, #Success, #Analysing, #NotKnown, #NotUnderstood, #Overlooked, #ReluctanceToShare, #LiftedTheirGame, #SalesSuccess, #CreateLastingSales, #ClosingSales, #Sales, #PeterCollins, #PeterCollinsProfitMaker, #ProfitMakerSales, #RealSelling,
This Article is by Peter Collins - In a sales career spanning more than 55 years, Peter Collins has focused on helping and bringing out the best in others - whether it involves training or mentoring salespeople, managers, business consulting to SME’s. Since the 1970’s Peter has built a reputation as a Nationally and Internationally Published author, and of the 140 books he has written over the past 50 years, Peter has 70 Business Books to his credit, (but he is mainly known for one book based on the Audio Tape series of the same name, Over 50 Ways of Closing the Sale). Peter also has written 30 Christian books. One of Peter's books, sold almost 2 million copies in the late 1970's and is still selling well through second hand online marketers worldwide. In his personal life, Peter has been sought after as an encourager and motivator that has given of his time and talents freely despite his busy schedule. Subsequently, he has assisted churches, pastors, community and charity groups, as well as individuals through his teaching, training, development and on-going mentoring.
? Copyright Peter Collins, Profit Maker Sales, Sydney, Australia, 1994, 1997, 2002, 2007. 2011, 2015, 2017, 2019, all rights reserved.
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