Remember impermanence
Vijaya Priya Sivanesan
Lead Database Administrator :) Passionate about teaching Simplified Kundalini Yoga :)
Remember impermanence
?My science teacher in school always use to say you are the person, when no body is around you. Watch your thoughts when you are alone and what it is seeking. When you read, do it with full concentration.
I liked what she said and till date I remember it :) ?
I will tell you good things and will support you if you are my friend. I may avoid you if you are not being good to me. That’s completely normal. No matter what I say and don’t you are who you are and always remember by nature we all are good.
It is just the anger, greed and few other things, we forget the reality and miss our way. Remember impermanence, live life like a water on a lotus leaf.
Vethathiri Maharishi:
“Remember impermanence - Earthly life in the midst of birth and death, mind’s tendency to forget this is delusion.”