Remember Remember the 'Forgotten' Generation!
Riah Creisson
Empowering Personal and Career Growth | Job Search Maverick | 1-2-1 Coaching, Interview Preparation, & Online Courses | Author | Passionate about Travel and Korean Drama ????????
Many of you will be forgiven for not knowing about or even being mildly curious about Generation X. If you follow the news, the books, the papers, the government it's all about Generation Y and the Bay Boomers. Why am I so concerned? I knew I didn't fit the Generation Y demographic and I'm no Baby Boomer. In fact thanks to recent changes to the retirement and pension bill in the UK & EU I will be working way into my old age and I am Generation X. For the longest time as I followed great new initiatives and proposals being introduced I was becoming more and more concerned that I fit into none of the requirements set for them. At every turn myself and those like myself in Generation X were left in the cold. Like an automated service we are expected to self care with no help at all. We apparently require no upkeep. If we breakdown it will make not a bit of difference to the economy so why care. Right? Wrong! Read on.
In the hopes of changing their employment fortunes for the future many Generation X workers again like myself returned to education to up skill and improve our chances for the longer working period we've now been assigned to but the realities are that it appears this is making no difference. We get no mention, not a thought. We don't exist. Yet, I would argue that while so much concern for the Millenials who can't find work or won't stay in work and the Baby Boomers leaving with all the knowledge they've learnt is generation X who are quietly holding the fort. Who do stay in work and have plenty knowledge but not a thank you or a reward. Just quietly keeping the wheels of commerce turning. The forgotten middle child.
The economy has not been kind to Generation X workers. Many have lost jobs, homes and been displaced by the economic downturn. But don't worry. The government is taking care of us alongside Generation Y and the Baby Boomers. No, that was me being funny. Not really. Not in a way which is felt. But I'm not here to whine. Ever the resourceful generation, Generation X workers find ways to remain innovative and productive. Many turning to self employment after being closed out of the job market and it is they who will help to solve the skills gap, work best with Millenials, the Baby Boomers and even the now fast approaching Generation Z workers alike to make the entire workforce productive. They are the bridge to productive shores.
A word to the wise Generation X will be the key to solving so much so maybe invest a little more into helping them achieve to help yourselves achieve your own goals in turn. They don't ask for any more than the next person - just the same. Don't just ignore and forget them. You will lose what you have. Generation X are a great great rich demographic resource which if not utilized now will become costly and expense in time.
Remember a little respect and recognition of a generation can go a long way!