The Remedy for a Polluted World
Today, it is impossible to stay healthy for more than a week or less. The body is constantly being bombarded from multiple directions, all at the same time. The number of, and the strength of virus′s is rapidly increasing. Lyme disease is now present in multiple types and is being carried by numerous bugs, including mosquitoes, spiders, ticks and others. New bacterial infections are popping up all the time, and many are resistant to antibiotics. Much of the food supply is contaminated with ecoli, listeria, and salmonella. Radiation poisoning from Fukushima is increasing even though the government is silent on the issue. It attacks the thyroid gland and causes nodules that eventually become tumors. Anxiety and depression are rampant in society, both from stress, but mostly the result of eating GMO food that is full of herbicides, pesticides and glyphosate. The h & p attack the stomach and colon, eventually causing cancer. The glyphosate settles in the brain, causing anxiety and depression. Adrenal exhaustion is at an all-time high because of the stress in life and the push to get things done. The result is sleep issues, joint pain, high blood pressure, blood sugar issues, hormone problems, allergies, and a lot more. The problem gets worse when you go to the doctor, whose only option is to treat the symptoms with drugs or surgery. It is not the doctor′s fault. He is limited by his profession as to what kind of treatment he is allowed to give. The good news is that there are natural remedies for all of the above, that deal with the cause of the health problems. Every year, for the past 28 years, I have helped hundreds of people to regain and to maintain their health utilizing a special gift that I have been given. In most cases, I also provide the remedies, that are needed, for free. Please visit my website for more information and call me toll-free from the US and Canada with any questions.