Remedies for Breach of Contracts

Remedies for Breach of Contracts


The parties to the Contract are legally required to perform their duties respectively, so apparently, the law does not deal with violations of any party. Therefore, once one party violates an agreement, the law provides for three other Remedies. Breach of contract?is a?legal?cause of action?and a type of?civil wrong, in which a?binding agreement?or bargained for exchange is not honored by one or more of the parties to the contract by non-performance or interference with the other party’s performance. A breach of contract is a material non-compliance with the terms of a legally binding contract. Enforcement of contracts is a necessary part of any legally binding contract: each party expects to obtain the benefit of the deal agreed by the contract.

What is a Breach of Contract?

A Contract may be terminated or broken when one of the parties fails or refuses to fulfill his or her obligations, or his or her promise under the Contract. Therefore, it can be said that when a binding Agreement is not honored by one or more parties for not fulfilling his promise, the Agreement may be terminated.

The most common forms of breaches of contract are-

  • Defective performance:?where the contract is partly performed but not to the standard required by the contract
  • Delayed performance:?where a party does not perform on time, in accordance with the time frames required by the contract
  • Complete non-performance:?a party does not do anything to perform the contract.

Remedies for a Breach of Contract

In many commercial agreements or contracts, they contain the express provision for remedies in case of no express provision than the following remedies are always available-

Rescission of the contract:?

When one among the parties commits a Breach of Contract, another party shall additionally treat the Contract as void or cancel. Once the Contract is cancelled, the affected party is mechanically discharged from all the commitments beneath the Contract. Section 64 of the Act provides that the party cancel the Contract if he has received any profit under it from the opposite party; restore such profit to the person from whom it had been received. Further, the one that truly cancels the Contract is entitled to compensation for any loss that he faced from the non-fulfillment of the Contract.

Suit for Damages:?

Section 73 of the Contract Act states that the party aggrieved is entitled to receive for any loss or damages suffered by him for the breach of contract and for which he can file a suit for getting a decree or claiming damages. The term “Damages” means that financial compensation collectable by the defaulting party to the affected party for the loss suffered by him once the Contract was broken. Therefore, the aggrieved party could bring associate action for damages against the party who are guilty of the Breach of Contract. The party is guilty of the Breach and is vulnerable to pay damages to the aggrieved party.??

Suit upon Quantum and Meruit:?

Quantum meruit means "earned money". Sometimes when one part of a Contract is prevented from completing its Contract performance by another, it may require quantum suitability. So he should be paid a fair wage for part of the Contract he has made. This could be the reward for the work he did or the amount of work he did. It means as much as deserved or as reasonable the value of services. It may sort when a contract has been partly performed the aggrieved party and the other party has not fulfilled his part than a suit may be filled for the price to which portion performed before the breach of contract.

Suit for Specific Performance of Contract:?

When it is found that the damages occurred cannot be compensated by the money of an act agreed to be done than a suit for specific performance of a contract may be filled. On another perspective specific performance of the contract is granted when damages are not an adequate or appropriate remedy, this mostly happens in case of land sale contracts where the vendor refuses to convey title. According to section 12 of the Specific Relief Act, 1877 states that the specific performance of any contract is the discretion of the court to be enforced or not and provided four conditions where the court will consider to provide specific relief. It is to be kept in mind that the discretion of the court to provide the specific performance of the contract would be reasonable and guided by judicial principles so for demanding specific relief or suit for such the aggrieved party must have to prove that the compensation is not adequate for them. Also, the aggrieved party when asking for the specific performance of a contract may ask for compensation for the breach, in addition to or substitution to such performance as under section 19 of the Specific Relief Act, 1877.

Suit for Injunction:?

An injunction is such whereby one party is required to do or refrain from doing certain acts by the order of the court. Whereby a promisor undertakes to do something but he does not do so or promises not to do certain acts but carry on such means breaches terms and provisions than the party aggrieved may apply to the court for granting the injunction. The granting of an injunction by the court is discretionary but in certain cases to restrain the breach of contract the court will grant an injunction. Usually, the court will provide two types of injunction either a permanent or temporary injunction. Permanent or perpetual injunction is such where the aggrieved party has to file a separate suit for demanding this under section 54 of the Specific Relief Act, 1877 to prevent the breach of contract. On the other hand, temporary injunction is such whereby one has to establish prima facie case and have to show that the aggrieved party will suffer irreparable loss or damages if such is not granted and this temporary injunction can be asked before court at any stage of the suit through an application under Order 39 rule 1 and 2 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. A temporary restraining order may be granted ex parte, therefore the aggrieved party has to prove that there is an immediate prospective or reasonable apprehension of breach of the contract any time for which if happened he will suffer irreparable loss or damages.

Suit for Rectification or Cancellation of Contract:?

This is another sort of remedies in case of breach of contract. .An injunction is also a discretionary court order, requiring the defendant to observe a negative restriction of a contract. An injunction may be made even to enforce a contract of personal service for which specific performance would be refused. When by fraud from the opposite party or through the mutual mistake of both parties a contract does not express their real intentions than the aggrieved party or both parties may apply for the rectification of the contract under section 31 of the Specific Relief Act, 1877. On the other hand where it is found that a contract which is void or voidable against a person and may cause serious injury to him or if a reasonable apprehension occurs of such than he may file a suit for the cancellation of the contract under section 39 of the Specific Relief Act, 1877.?When a contract is void ab initio and the transaction is a nullity or only voidable than the plaintiff may ask for relief under section 39 of the Specific Relief Act for the cancellation of such.


The remedies in case of breach of contract is a civil one and suit much be filled in the ordinary civil court before the time limits lapse and it is to be kept in mind that the limitations for bringing a suit in case of specific performance of contract are only one year as per article 113 of the Limitation Act, 1908. The aggrieved party may bring a suit for availing any of the above-mentioned remedies but it would be better to consult expertise or lawyer for availing the better remedies. The?consequences of a breach?and the?consequences of termination?are quite different things. The consequences of a breach depends on the terms of contract itself and what the innocent party does when there is a breach of contract.



