REMdevice presents: "MONITOR TESTER"

REMdevice presents: "MONITOR TESTER"

In this month's newsletter we present the REMdevice Monitor Tester.

The Monitor Tester is a self-powered diagnostic tool with a display that can show the operating data of radio remote controls with standard T-Series and Brick/Pail electronics as well as UTC/URC and DCS10 modules.

This small device, equipped with a 9V battery and connection cable to the receiver, allows the operator to check the various technical and diagnostic parameters of the system.

By successively pressing the pushbutton on the top of the device, the following data will be displayed:

  • Tx/Rx system serial number
  • Channel number and its working frequency
  • Signal level and frequency deviation
  • Number of working hours of the device
  • Number of starts and stops
  • Number of disconnections (to detect power failures or disturbances at the site)
  • Number of closures of each relay (especially useful for maintenance and possible replacement of relays, especially for older or heavily loaded systems)

Next, after displaying all the relays of the receiver and always by pressing the top pushbutton of the Monitor Tester, on the display will appear a message that communicates to the operator to press the START pushbutton directly on the transmitter.

This step enables the diagnostics of the transmitter itself.

By activating and deactivating all inputs (by pressing the various switches or moving the joysticks on the transmitter) it is possible to visualize them as triangles on the Monitor Tester display.

The Monitor Tester is a valid and practical aid for all installers and maintenance technicians who want to have certain data about the status of the system installed on a machine and exclude certain problems that can often be found on construction sites.

If you are interested in our Monitor Tester and you would like to receive more information

contact us by filling out the form at the link below!



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