Remarkable Ranch!
Andelusian stallion

Remarkable Ranch!

Welcome to

Cortijo Valmoor

(Country Home)

14525 Aiken Ride View

Colorado Springs, CO 80926

*The History of this ranch is fascinating and colorful!

Before the Wild West was won, Indians roamed this area - Native Americans from the Southwest Tribes to the Plains Tribes, from Apache to Ute and Comanche and more.

Charles Aikens was a U.S. Surveyor, taxidermists, collector & bird watcher in the 1870s. There is an Audubon Society Chapter in the Pikes Peak region, Aiken Audubon Society still active today. He lived in a home owned by Spencer Penrose on this property in Turkey Canyon Ranch. He cataloged more than one hundred species of birds on & around this property. He also mapped this property.

Teddy Roosevelt (26th President of the U.S.) was close friends with Spencer Penrose who purchased the Turkey Canyon Ranch Property. From 1898 to the 1930s Roosevelt visited the property often.

It remained ranch land until 1996 when it was subdivided & the present owners bought Lot 1, & began developing it. They lived part time above the large Morton steel barn until 2005 when the house was finally completed enough to move in.

**Horses raised & trained on this ranch were Andalusian - Spanish Horses Bought in Spain and flew over with the accompaniment of the two daughters of the ranch. The family rode & performed with the horses. The two daughters rode prize winning stallions & awed audiences all over the U.S. with their unique style & control. Nobel II , a stallion raised & trained here, won 23 National Championships! One of his sons is still on the ranch. 

With the passing of time the time has now come for the owners to take their many experiences & wonderful memories & move on.

Now you can start your memories on this remarkable ranch!

* According to local Legend.**Horse experience is real!  Kathie Bomareto Realtor 720-219-4402


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