Remaining Positive in a Crisis
David L. Parker
David Parker News & Reports & City National Bank of Florida NMLS ID 461786
Remember that rush of excitement we had just a few months ago on New Year’s Eve? Counting down to the start of a new decade to what we all believed would be the ‘best year yet’? I thought that too.
Looking back at the vision for 2020 made me laugh. 2020 has taken us all by surprise. It is something that none of us could see coming. To be honest, my initial thought was, “this year is going to be ruined.” However, I turned that negativity away and reframed my thought to, “I’m not letting this virus ruin my year and goals.”
This has impacted all our lives in some way. It’s something that seeps into our conversations and stays at the forefront of everyone’s minds. It’s like what did we even talk about before all this happened. What can we talk about after?!
So much change is happening and so sudden too. It might go on for weeks, months, or possibly over a year. This is a devastating and difficult time for most of us. So, the question is: why should I be/stay positive during a crisis?
Yes, it is extremely tough, but in times like this, it is important to have hope, stay positive and make the most of it. We must accept that this virus is a greater force and something we cannot control. The only thing we have control over is our actions (social distancing, helping those in need) and our mentality. Being negative causes more detriment to our mental health, so why not try your best to reframe your thoughts into a more positive one? It will also allow you to get through dark times much easier.
As difficult as it has gotten, there is always a reason to be grateful. There is always light within the darkness such as:
- Everyone is getting together as a community to help and support each other
- Our eco-system and environment is going through less deterioration/stress
- And lessons that help us grow:
- When we come out of this, we will become more grateful and realize what we have taken for granted
- Learn to really cherish the times with those we love as their life can be taken from them any moment
- Realize how important your health is – don’t ever take your health for granted!
And the opportunity to:
- Self-care – take the time to care for your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health – a lot of us spend most of our time being at work or trying too hard to be productive, but sometimes it’s necessary to take some time off to do absolutely nothing – to recharge and rejuvenate your soul
- Take the time to slow down and catch up (for those living in a hustling and bustling fast-paced city this means taking the break you deserve!)
- Get in touch with personal introspection – to confront the issues you have been running away from and to deal with any emotions you’ve been suppressing
- Spend more time with our family/loved ones
Although it is difficult, this is something that all of us are battling together. We are not alone and will overcome it with a stronger mentality. Take this tragedy as a spiritual awakening – a time for all of us to really engage in what matters (giving back to the community and helping in any way possible).
A few tips to get through it:
- Limit exposure to the news and social media
- Keep yourself busy (set a structured schedule if you are the type to deviate from your plans)
- Do all the things you have always wanted to do, but never had the time to
- Connect with others online, you are NOT alone
Little ways to help & make a difference: (you don’t always need to physically be there to make a difference)
- Reach out to your family, friends or anyone you know that might be feeling isolated
- Volunteer – kids help phone, deliver food to those who cannot leave their home, be a private online tutor for someone who may need extra assistance with their studies
- Build an online community/group
- Teach a skill/talent of yours to others
- Spread positivity and uplifting messages as much as possible
- Start a fundraiser/donate to those who are negatively impacted (can be canned goods if you have been affected financially)
Final thoughts
Yes, it’s tough being isolated from your loved ones, but please stay in, or else social distancing will last longer. Even if it may not ‘affect’ you, think about how it may affect others. You can do all the fun stuff after, but once a life is gone, it’s forever. Try not to think of it as a year of ruined plans — think of it as being temporarily on hold.
By being positive and reframing your thinking, it can make it easier to get through the dark times. You can always find gratitude in everything. Remember positivity doesn’t mean that everything is all ‘good’ but acknowledging the reality of the situation and reframing our mind to focus on finding the good within the bad (such as gaining a life lesson, etc.)
Try not to think of staying home as living in hell or being in prison, but rather that we are protecting our health, while saving others’ lives. And if you’re not okay, that’s totally okay too. For some of us, it may have turned our life upside down for the worse and finding positivity feels impossible, but it will get better, I promise. Even in times of darkness, the light will come one day.
Just think about what has taken place in the matter of less than two months. Our amazing first responders, medical staff, the support staff of medical services staff right down to the janitor, grocers, clerks and many more have committed to keeping us safe, healthy and fed. Businesses have adapted to deliver goods and services in a manner that keeps the doors open for them while providing consumers essential needs, goods and services. Sure, it’s different, but we are still moving forward dealing with the challenge of change amid the present crisis.
As we follow the medical science and commit to giving the appropriate amount of time to heal our sick and prevent more from certain death, remember that we must remain focused in the time of crisis. As well, we cannot be frozen in fear from continuing our daily lives, we just must do things differently for a while.
Even in my world of mortgage lending, I see many realtors, builders and title/settlement agencies develop appropriate strategies to continue business of selling, building, financing and closing on homes for those desiring to purchase a home.
So, be of good spirit as this is just a time we all need one another and work through this paradigm shift we are experiencing on a global scale. Look for the good in all things and turn the fear of the unknown into positive results.