I try on Friday to pull together thoughts or posts from earlier in the week and the concepts this week (LEADERSHIP, LEADER SHIP, START, OUTREACH) are all future-oriented with a bias for ACTION, especially to increase influence to make an impact.
I have been looking at my post from a year before as I RECYCLE my thoughts. Last year I posted “The REST is yet to come” and noted I would take a hiatus from the posts until after the New Year.
So I want to relate REST to all the future-oriented thoughts for making an impact, and I am not inclined to REST next week – much to do with a lot of excitement.
Another word for REST is REMAINDER – The REMAINDER is left to come. Wherever you are in your journey, the REMAINDER is left to come. Your LEADERSHIP (or the LEADER SHIP if thinking at a group level) will shape the REMAINDER. Whatever you do now is the START on the REMAINDER. OUTREACH will START LEADERSHIP efforts to shape the REMAINDER.
The REMAINDER is not a bad word. REMAINDER does not have to mean leftovers, the scraps after all the good things have been taken. Leftovers or scraps is just a matter of perspective. One person’s junk is another person’s treasure where creativity is applied – art, recycling, new business opportunities. A trip to the pet store today will likely have us buying things for our dogs that could be considered the REMAINDER of animal parts that otherwise had little value. Our dogs will be highly motivated for such things.
Be careful not to ignore the REMAINDER
And REMAINDER is a substantial concept when thinking about LEADERSHIP and impact. What is the REMAINDER after we are gone? How our contributions live on – art, memories, sustainable enterprises, growth and development of others – is something to look forward to.