The Reluctant Man Who Became a Hero
Kenneth Nalls
Interest: Marketing and Motivation. Student of Life-Long Learning, Blogger
There is no need for a hero if there is no problem.
I have never met anyone who wanted to be unimportant. Everyone wants to be significant. Yet, many people hesitate at the opportunity to be heroes.
Saul was divinely chosen and anointed. He towered above all the people, giving Saul a kingly presence. Even after the prophet Samuel proclaimed Saul the first king, he ran and hid from the spotlight by hiding himself among the vast assembly's baggage, store tents, and wagons. When he should have stepped forward and claimed his kingship, Saul disappeared and had to be found.
Saul was a reluctant hero. But God had a plan for him—a young man who would become the first King of Israel. Saul's low self-esteem is witnessed in his hiding from Samuel and the people at his anointing and later in his jealous attempts to kill the young man who would be the next king.
Even though you are a reluctant hero like Saul, you cannot hide. If you experience low self-esteem, causing you to hesitate or be unwilling to get involved, remember that God has a plan for success.