Relocation Allowance
If you are relocating to the Netherlands from another country, we are here to assist you and your family throughout the relocation process. As part of our support, you will be eligible for a one-time net relocation allowance of up to 2,500.00 euros. This allowance is designed to help cover various expenses associated with your move.
The relocation allowance can be used to cover the following expenses (but not limited to):
To ensure reimbursement, please make sure to keep all invoices and receipts for the items you have purchased. Once you commence your employment, we will process the reimbursement for these expenses. Many of our consultants find it advantageous to buy certain items in their home country due to better prices. However, please consider the cost of transporting these items to the Netherlands, as this can also be covered by the relocation allowance. It's crucial to save receipts, even if you made cash payments. Please note that presenting credit card statements alone will not be accepted as valid proof of purchase.
If you have any uncertainties about a particular purchase and whether it will be eligible for reimbursement, we kindly request you to contact our financial department in advance to obtain the necessary approval.