Reloading with New Brass
After my recent post "Beginner Semi-Auto Pistol Reloading" I realized that there are some more findings that may be of benefit to new reloaders. I like the look of a new batch of reloads where I use new brass. They are nice and shiny and look like factory ammo.
One thing to consider, is running new brass through your sizing die just like fired brass. New factory empty brass is manufactured to high standards but with handling they may become dented around the mouth. My recent reloading for the 10mm auto revealed that the factory brass inside diameter was the same as the bullet diameter. This did not allow enough grip on the bullet during seating and caused inconsistent setback during the reloading cycle when the slide hits the back of the cartridge and slams it into the barrel chamber at high speed. It is an extra step, but insures that the case is true and the proper bullet tension is achieved. This may be less important in a revolver or bolt action rifle but may come into play in a semi-auto pistol or rifle.
This added step may prevent excessive pressure, improve accuracy, and increase safety while reloading.
Good Shooting,
Savage Rifle Marksman