Relish your Happiness.
There is a moment in the 2002 film, "The Hours," where Meryl Streep's character speaks of a day in her youth when she awakened with so much joy and possibility. She is excited about the future, thinking that it is the beginning of her happiness. It is not until later that she concludes that the moment was "THE moment." It was her moment of happiness.
?I do not believe that happiness is limited in its capacity but the opportunity can be missed if we are not mindful.?So often, we spend our time evaluating circumstances or life experiences on a "what-if scale," wishing that it was just a little bit more. We may find ourselves postponing our appreciation and joy until the time when everything is in place (according to our judgment).
Life is a gift too precious to squander. Today is indeed the only day that we have for happiness. We do not know what tomorrow brings. As long as you are a living, breathing, thinking person, you are provided with the opportunity to choose to live in this moment in any way that you see fit.
Success or sabotage? Happiness is a choice; the same is true for success.
Is this going to be an incredible day? Why not be fully conscious of your choice?