In a world rife with deceit, religions have become tools for manipulation wielded by criminal fanatics, corrupt politicians, and unscrupulous religious leaders. Once intended to shape character and foster virtue, religions today often fail to fulfill their purpose. Instead, since the advent of organized faiths, human civilization has silently endured communal violence, bloodshed, forced migrations, exoduses, riots, holy wars, and fanaticism.
The actions of religious fundamentalists have disrupted world peace, destabilized social orders, and inflicted unimaginable terror upon innocent lives — all under the guise of faith. These extremists push civilization backward, seeking to replace technological advancements with regressive ideologies. The state must not turn a blind eye to their unlawful acts. It bears the responsibility to protect freedom of thought and ensure that such violations are punished with unwavering resolve.
Religious extremists share a common intention across the globe: to drag society back to the medieval age. But can the age of technological wonders give up rockets for rocks? If religions fail to embrace change, civilizations will falter and decline instead of flourishing.
The atrocities committed in the name of religion have tested the limits of human tolerance. The horrors of 9/11 in New York and 26/11 in Mumbai remain etched in my memory, leaving an indelible scar of grief that words cannot erase. Watching those tragic events unfold live on television shocked me into speechlessness. Even now, I feel haunted by the collective pleas of the innocent dead, silently urging the world to purge religion of hatred.
When will religions stop killing people? As I reflect on the senseless loss of innocent lives, tears trickle down, and my heart bleeds. If humanity is to progress, it must rise above religious bigotry and commit to building a world where faith fosters peace — not destruction.
This poem is dedicated
To the forgotten heroes,
Killed by crusaders, jihadists, fanatics,
And those who still fall to senseless violence
In the name of religion.
In solemn memory of the brave souls
Who fought to free humanity
From the shackles of false beliefs,
Superstitions, hollow rituals, dogmas,
And blind fanaticism.
Will the chains of religion ever break?
Will wisdom find its voice again?
Must ignorance cloud humanity forever?
Shall civilizations clash until they crumble?
Will a bleeding world heal
Or perish from fanatic wounds?
Alas, religions still haunt the world,
And spiritual agony deepens.
Let us honor those who sacrificed their lives
By ensuring their efforts are not forgotten.
The world seeks spirituality — not religion.
The rust of dogma corrodes and collapses.
Truth shall rise beyond falsehood,
Ushering in a world without religion.
Welcome the dawn of Satyadharma —
The essence of universal spiritual values.
Let every soul script its scripture,
And walk its path of personal truth.
Source: Creative Awareness Trust (CAT)