Relieve chronic pain by engaging all seven realms

Relieve chronic pain by engaging all seven realms

Medicines are good for acute pain ..while they are effective for chronic pain(e.g. regular pain in the hand, neck or lower back because of working long hours in computers), it is important to take a different approach for chronic pain way to prevent it is to live a good life engaging all the seven realms by simple additions to our day to day activities. The seven simple additions are

1. When you see your face in the mirror, for the first time in the day, look deep into your eyes and tell 'I am beautiful, I love myself, I can live a fantastic life and I don't want other's permission

2. Weekly once, say on a Friday, make it a point to call and thank someone who contributed positively to your life

3. Negative thoughts are a part of life, accept them and whenever you are aware of it, breathe slowly, move your focus to abdomen breathing, imagine your brain as your slave and order with the words, "I order the brain to stop thinking (whatever negative thought) right now It is an order.'

4. Once a week, say on Sunday, engage in mindfulness meditation

5. Your body is like a BMW car, take good care of it. you would not fuel a BMW with junk grade fuel. Thumb rule is eat anything that directly comes out of a plant (natural food) but not the ones made in the plant (industrially packaged food items with sugar, salt or oil)

6. Before dinner, stretch all your muscles every day and exercise at least 2 hours a week

7. Sleep well. Don't under estimate the power of sleeping. If you do not sleep well dark circles appear. If you are sleep deprived, take a day off just for sleeping. It is okay!

~~hope it helps

~~~divine is the task to relieve pain

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