Relief from Sex Offender Registration Obligations In Delaware :
Dennis king
(Case Manager ) for Expungement and Pardon at Essential Resource Advocate/Collection Drug Specialist
Duration of Registration requirement
Live (tier III)/recidivists)/25 years (tier II) 15years (tier I). Del. C.§4121(e)
For felony-level convictions.
Early termination: generally
Tier II/III misdemeanor offenders where victim was not under 13 (if offender was 18 or older at time of commission) may petition the superior court for relief immediately §4121(d)(6).
Tier I Offenders may petition the court for relief 10 years from last day of Level IV/V sentence, or from the date of sentencing is no IV/V sentence imposed §4121(e) (2 ) ( c ) . Tier II/III offenders may petition for redesignation and eventually reach a Tier I designation, through certain waiting period and eligibility criteria apply. See § 4121 (e ) (2).
Unconditional pardon relieves registration obligations, Heath v. State, 983 A. 2d 77 (Del, 2009). Sex offenses not eligible for misdemeanor first offender expungement. § 4373 ( c ) (1).
For more information concerning Relief from Sex Offender Registration Obligations, Certificate of Relief from Disabilities and Certificate pf Good Conduct call; 302-747-6728 or E-mail: [email protected]