Relias May LinkedIn Newsletter
Introducing the Relias LinkedIn Newsletter, your monthly digest of new and upcoming webinars, resources, and more.
The 2023 DSP Survey Report
In partnership with the American Network of Community Options and Resources, we are excited to release the third edition of our DSP Survey Report. The report highlights feedback from 763 DSPs on job satisfaction, supervision, career advancement opportunities, and appreciation and recognition. Download the report today to learn how you can increase DSP satisfaction.
Upcoming Webinars
Accountability and Early Intervention: Addressing Social and Behavioral Health Risks in Maternal Mortality
Thursday, May 25 | 2:00 p.m. ET
The headlines are full of stories and statistics about women dying during or after being pregnant, and the CDC and the World Health Organization state that 84% of these deaths are preventable. Register for our webinar to learn about the social and behavioral health factors contributing to maternal mental health and what you and your organization can do to disrupt this disheartening trend.
Wound Care: It Takes a Team
Wednesday, May 31 | 2:00 p.m. ET
Wound care education remains essential to a nurse’s training, regardless of the post-acute care setting. However, when viewing your team as a whole, many staff members contribute to wound outcomes. Throughout this presentation, we will explore different positions and roles that may benefit from wound care education and various teaching methods and their efficacy. Register now to learn how you can contribute to wound healing and outcomes.
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