"The relevance Fund"
Mfontoh Blaise Abenwi Shu
Christian Entrepreneur | Ecosystem Builder | MWF Alumni | UNLEASH Sub-Saharan Africa Expert | Business Consultant
The crux of the matter is professionalism is always as effective as the person that goes with it.
Most of us sometimes go through our lives without having a keen look at the dynamic nature of events, people and cultures. We are dormant and live merely with the proof of existence. This has been the sole reason why our personal life and work life hasn’t gotten that feel of balance. We find ourselves doing many things and in to many things but achieving little or nothing. We misappropriate ourselves just as we misappropriate resources. Worst of all we fail to understand that movement is not progress. Life can never be better this way. If you no longer matter to your customers and clients, they will leave you and race to your competitors. Relevance is a moving target. Today, you just got a chance to make it better. Let us pilot you!
Be it an individual character or business, one thing is for sure. As seasons change, relevance brings you updated to every season because if you don’t have what people need, they’ll forget you and if you don’t present it properly you won’t see them either. It’s a normal human phenomenon that people leave behind everything that expires.
Relevance is an all-time high cause for the growth of decade and century old businesses we have in the world today like Mitshubitshi, McDonalds, Coca-Cola and a host of others. These are companies who have invested great sums not only in expansion or diversification of their ventures, but in becoming relevant in the business and corporate world. Companies like Hi5 Chat which came long before Zuckerburg’s first born child and yahoo have been dinning a lot with irrelevance and we clearly saw what the intercourse rumbled and produced. To be relevant, there are certain basic elements you must apply amalgamating under one main frame named by Thinkfast BC as the “Relevance Fund’.
To get in to the game, climb to the top of your game or stay at the top you must exercise a good knowledge and proper utilization of the relevance fund strategy. As a business man, worker or entrepreneur every income you get should be portioned and one of the portions should go in for relevance. For instance Jack is an Entrepreneur and gets 100.000FCFA from his venture as Net profit. He portions 15% of this income for relevance and the rest can be best explained by Jack. That said relevance is a sacrifice that is earned not given.
Be relevant by keeping up to date with latest events and knowledge from books, monthly or weekly webinars in your field, paid online courses, workshops and seminars.
Stay relevant by upgrading business know how and exploring several tenets through bench-marking from similar ventures. You can also stay relevant by making tremendous dedications of funds to research and development or creating a department for this if possible just like larger and continuously relevant companies do.
Finally remember that relevance is like boarding a moving train and it is the only way to set you on the path of consistency and greatness.