The Relevance of BEING
Suzanne Styles
Human SWOT Analysis | IMB Methodology for Smarter Decisions | Entrepreneurial Intelligence & Strategic Insight | Women’s Empowerment & Personal Transformation | Speaker.
Welcome to part one of a four part blog series on BEING+DOING+BELIEVING=HAVING
Regardless of Your Circumstances Everything is a Choice
With regard to any and every set of circumstances which are prevailing in your life right now, know this – you are choosing who and what you are being in relation to each of these circumstances. That’s right, BEING is all about choice – who and what you are choosing to be in the moment that you’re making those choices. Therefore everything you are ever being, begins and ends with you!
In some sets of circumstances, you might find yourself being gentle and understanding whilst in others you might find yourself being tough and inconsiderate. Whatever it is, remember this, you are everything rolled in to one. So, within you (and this truth holds true for absolutely everyone else in this world too) lies the capacity to love and to hate, to be kind and to be brutal, to be polite and to be rude, to be the victim and to be the victor, to be honest and to lie, to be poor and to be rich! Therefore, you are everything that is, hence you are a HUMAN BEING and understanding this is the starting point to your BEING HUMAN as is the truth that everything about your life is choice driven – you are forever and always choosing how you will be in relation to everything.
With this “revelation around who and what you being” will hopefully come an enhanced level of awareness for you as to how much of your life is spent judging others and thoughtlessly commenting on “how awful they are being” when you too have had many moments in your life when you exhibited exactly the same way of being as them.
We are Powerful
The power which lies within this, your newfound raised consciousness around BEING, is that you now understand that whatever you are being is choice driven. So, if something exists in your life right now which is causing you to experience bad feelings, then you have the choice, the power, to change how you are being in relation to this so that your feelings shift from bad to good. The relevance of BEING exists to remind you that you have the power, that you are in control, that whatever you are being is because you are allowing it to be so!
So, when something unexpected happens and bad feelings strike, just stop what you’re doing, pause for a moment and ask yourself this one simple and transformational question “WHO and WHAT AM I BEING right now in relation to [… name the given circumstance …]?” The honest and immediate answers from within will probably astonish you. If the answers shock you, that’s good, because they’ve just made you fully aware that your current state of being is not beneficial to you and that you’re paying a high price for “being this way.” The wonderful news is that because you have free-will and choices, you can now decide what is good for you and with this, WHO and WHAT you will now be with regard to the given circumstance.
Here's an Example
To end off this piece on BEING, let’s take all the theory above and make it practical for you in terms of day-to-day life. To do this requires that we help you to understand BEING in relation to DESIRE. Here goes…
Let’s say that one of your most ardent desires is to be a rich and successful business owner. How can you ever be a rich and successful business owner if what you are mostly being [i.e. your day-to-day way of living] in relation to business, riches and success is negative [i.e. your thoughts, feelings, words and actions]? Emotionally charged statements like “I think it must be really scary to be a business owner in the current economic climate” or “Somehow I always feel that rich and successful people have gotten there by stepping on others and ruthlessly exploiting them” do not place you in a state of harmony with being a rich and successful business owner now do they? No they don’t! Quite the contrary – they’re actually reinforcing deep down within you that business is scary, that rich people acquire wealth through devious means; that all this really isn’t for you because if it was why would you be speaking of business, riches and success in this way?
So, what are you BEING in relation to what you really DESIRE
When you carefully analyse the above example, you will realise that what you’re REALLY BEING in relation to what you REALLY DESIRE is a complete mismatch, and so the harsh truth which someone needs to tell you straight up, is that your desire ain’t ever going to happen!
To fulfill against your rich and successful business owner DESIRE, you first have TO BE a rich and successful business owner! When conversing with others your statements should be along the lines of “It must be so amazing to be a rich and successful owner, to be your own boss, to create jobs, to make lots of money and then to joyfully circulate a portion of it back to others and their families as wages. Yes that’s definitely how I see my life successfully playing out – as a rich and successful business owner.” This approach means that your thoughts, your feelings, your words and your actions are already aligning you with eventually BEING a rich and successful business owner.
As long as you never change your mind or lose interest in this desire, what you’re NOW BEING on the INSIDE [a rich and successful business owner] is exactly what you will ULTIMATELY RECEIVE on the OUTSIDE [a rich and successful business owner]. This is the deliberate and intentional creation which we will so often refer to in this book and hopefully this will help you to better understand the “As within, so without” prophetic life success teaching.
To Your Success, with love
Suzanne Styles
P.S. If you are in my area join us for our book launch and talk on 27 April 2016 at Die Ou Pastorie 10.30am to 12.30pm R 295 includes a signed copy of our book, tea, coffee and treats. Booking Essential