Relentlessly, Try and Encourage New Things

Relentlessly, Try and Encourage New Things

The title is simple enough, but the concept is often deemed scary.? Those who really know me understand my disdain for comfort zones.? They bore me…even if whatever is occurring in the comfort zone is wildly successful.?

There’s an inherent curiosity in humans that, whether by GMO’s, tv, social media or collisions with negative people, has seemingly been diluted over time.? We were made to explore, to adventure to wonder enough about what’s over the next hill to actually climb the damn thing to find out.

It’s at this moment of curiosity where the adventurers and the complacent separate.? The adventurers scale the hill with gusto and a lust for knowledge or experience.? The complacent contemplate possibilities but rest on their existing body of knowledge because something about an adventure is uncomfortable, worrisome, complex or just frightening.?

Many know I have a long-term relationship with motorcycles…really fast ones.? Like many kids, I was told by teachers, parents, adults and friends that such implements were wickedly dangerous.? However, something about those warnings only inspired a greater curiosity.? Once I hit the threshold of true adulthood (job/house/spouse/etc), the curiosity only grew.? So…I bought a bike as a 20-something economic development guy.? This only encouraged the same sort of warnings from people in my adult circle.

SPOILER ALERT, I’m 51 and have not yet died on any of my bikes.

In fact, the polar opposite has occurred…I’m more alive today than ever before.? The emotions, feelings, sights, sounds, smells and the tingling of adrenaline more than negates any perceived risk.? The bikes are where I go to unwind, to free my mind, to ignite new initiatives and to simply amplify my thinking.? Such experiences and opportunities would not be viable had I not explored my curiosity.

But this article isn’t about motorcycles, it’s about having the gumption to try new things that have inspired curiosity or potential.? Relative to business, this concept can go a multitude of directions.? Chances are damn good that someone in your organization is sitting on a brilliant idea or concept to further advance the frontiers of knowledge or success to benefit your entity.? Chances are also about 50% that same person has some trepidation about bringing the concept forward…btw, that’s a learned machination from years of being told “no” by a great many influences in their life.

So, we’re all curious, including your staff.? But sometimes the investigation of curiosity needs to be encouraged.? Open the floodgates of innovation and “new things.”? Ask for powerfully unique ideas.? Ask to see not only workhorses, but for inspiring ideas from your teams.

You might be surprised who your innovation heroes really are…they just need to know you’re willing to be a little adventurous too.


Tom Cole, CEcD, MBA的更多文章

