UNTERWEGS[Pty]Ltd South-Africa
Active in the Automotive sector ,always doing a deal.
/Personal note:
The comfort zone is always a short lived experience . Circumstances change quickly ,navigating the learning curve ./
The single defining factor that sets you apart from anyone is the relentless pursuit of what you want. Everything that happens to you is a calculated confluence of how relentless you are .
To endure the slow moving times , your relentless resolve shifts your perception and change how you step up and become your own accountability officer.
Unterwegs is the Agent for TATRA TRUCKS a.s , a relentless pursuit to achieve the number one spot of sales globally. How will that possibly happen , being relentless.
[You've noticed I like the word ,RELENTLESS]
The odds are stacked against it . As always.
A fool's dream . That's what most say.
Enthusiastically Relentless!
Nothing of value was ever free, be prepared because there is a bill due.
Short and sweet .